Labor Rights

By Phziro
  • Declaration of Indepence

    Declaration of Indepence
    The Declaration of Independence was the prerequisite of a social economical changes for equality. This was the first in all governments as the declaration renowned liberty and equality among all man. Setting up amendments to rectify all sorts of inequalities and showing the importance of free will. This set the standards for all future rights and acts for all to abide to and use as an example.
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    Mary Harris Jones

    Mary or known as Mother jones was an advocate for not only women’s rights but also workers rights in coal and mining industries. she helped spread the word of not only the conditions of which these people lived but also the changes that were occurring. She was an important person in the movements for labor and helped change so much.
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    Samuel Gompers

    Samuel Gompers was english born labor rights fighter. He founded the American Federation of labor, this organization set unions for workers and set efforts for education on plants. He was the first to incorporate labor unions which is still a current on going act.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    The Homestead Strike was the striking of over 300 employees due to company cutting the wage of them. This caused great backlash that lead to a negotiation for days. Once they weren’t able to agree it lead to a battle which caused the death of 13 men. This act will forever show the importance of keeping equality in how a company must act to prevent unpreventable things to occur.
  • Steel Strike

    Steel Strike
    In 1919 when we were facing many challenges post WWI, the United States and many unions were negotiating proper wages as well care for workers in steel mills and other industries. As lack of support was given to these unions by the government after a while the unions called a nation wide strike. This caused 50% of steel mills to be left vacant, leaving a lasting mark in history on its sheer output.
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    Cesar Chavez

    Cesar Chavez was an advocate for labor writes in agricultural departments as well the care of immigrants in these work places. He spread the word amongst equality for those who were mistreated or those who worked countless hours for little pay. He helped found the National Farm Workers association which helped the care of farmers but also made sure work environments were healthy for those to work in.
  • Emma Tenayuca

    Emma Tenayuca
    Emma Tenayuca was an activist for women works in the tobacco industry. She spoke about unfairness in the way employers paid immigrants as well treated them in tobacco plants. Due to these tobacco plants holding many chemicals and much combustion going on many workers would develop respiratory diseases with little to no help. She helped fight for union help from governments and would help spread the word and change.
  • Frances Perkins

    Frances Perkins
    Frances was a secretary of Labor under Franklin D. Roosevelt. Both of them helped many labor acts get pushed and helped back many of them. Frances was the one who would receive these deals and research and play her role in deciding if it would benefit those in industries. With the help of her many acts were made in the 1930s under section 7 and would help made the Social Security Act.
  • The Wagner Act

    The Wagner Act
    This was set by conjunction effort of Samuel Gompers and lead by head officials such as President Roosevelt and Senator Robert F. Wagner. This act was put under section 7 to allow the formation of labor unions and the bargaining of employers to these unions. Addressed boards that improved connections for workers to have compensations against employers.
  • Flint Sit-Down Strike

    Flint Sit-Down Strike
    Many automotive workers wouldn’t receive the proper recognition that they deserved as lack of protection and medicare provided. Due to this many who worked in plants would develop non-communicable respiratory diseases or worse. This sit down was after 2 representatives of worker unions were transferred causing the sit down. This sit down paved the way for more recognition to happen for all of those in automotive industry.
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    Writers Strike

    Due to many writers in the film industry facing much inequality in the sense of their power. Many decided they were done with the under pay and lack of acknowledgment in their opinions in a movie plot. Due to this many writers left their job causes many films in this period to be post-poned or cancelled due to lack of writers. Many of these people were fighting for the advocation of writers appreciation in what they bring for entertainment.