Labor relations is the study and practice of managing unionized employment situations. Many events have happened throughout history to result in how people look at labor relations today. -
Railway strike of 1877
A strike against the Baltimore & Ohio railroad ignites a series of strikes across the northeast. The violence and disturbances that follow result in Federal troops being called out for the first time in a labor dispute. The strike is crushed, but it gives evidence of the deep conflict between workers and business owners. -
Homestead strike
This riot started when there was a lockout at the homestead works. This lockout turned extremely violent, causing to bring in 300 pinkerton detectives to arrive at the mill by barge. -
Anti-Labor injunction
The federal court had issued the very first injunction against a union under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. The case, brought against the Workingman's Amalgamated Council of New Orleans for interfering with the movement of commerce, hands managers a potent legal weapon. -
Ludlow Massacre
The ludlow massacre was a violent massacre in ludlow, colorado. National guardsmen came into the camp with machine guns and set fire to the camps tents. More then 75 people were killed in this dispute. -
Wagner Act
The wagern act is also known as the (National Labor Relations Act). This established the nation labor board and announced relations between unions and employers in the private sector. -
Apprenticeship Act
This allows the labor department to oversea on the job training. The labor department is put in charge of creating regulation protecting the health, safety and welfare of the emplyees. -
Taft Hartley Act
This act was aimed towards containg labor expansion. It outlaws solidarity strikes, purges radicals, and allows states to pass the "right to work" law. This idea was proposed by senatory Robert A. Taft. -
Jimmy Hoffa
Jimmy Hoffa was a great American union leader aswell as an author, who served as the president of the international brother hood of teamsters. He was the start of a huge union project, gathering nearly 1.5 million members. -
The equal pay Act
The equal pay act was aimed toward the abolishment of diversity in pay between men and women. This act tried to get women to be paid substaintially the same ammount as a male would, if they worked in the same field. -
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
This was made to prohibit unfair employment discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion and national origin. This act also applies to colleges, employment agencies, and labor organizations. -
Age discremination in employment act
The Age discremination in employment act was made solely to prohibit employment discrimination against persons 40 years of age or older. The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act amended several sections of the ADEA. -
UPS Strike
United parcel service agreed to a contract with the teamsters, this marked labors first succesful nationwide attack in two decades. The main reasons that lead to the strike was the companies practice of using part time workers to avoid paying benefits. -
Labor relations has been a catastrophy in america starting in the 19th century. It took a large toll during the 1900's by the teamest's and other organizations. From blood being spilt to cities being reconstructed, our country finally is at an agreement with labor relations.