Labor Disputes Timeline

  • The Great Southwest Railroad Strike

    The strike ocurred March to September 1886.They refused to work because of unfair hours and pay, and unsafe conditions.The Union Pacific and Missori pacific railroad workers went on strike. But the strike failed because of lack of commitment by other workers.
  • The Homestead Strike

    The Carnegie Steel Company’s Homestead Steel Works caused the Homestead strike in 1892. The Homestead Strike began after a gun battle between unionized steelworkers and a group of men hired by the company to break the strike. The steelworkers lost the strike.
  • The Pullman strike

    In 1894 the Pullman Strike began in Chicago at the "Pullman sleeping car manufacturing company". It began to grow into a widespread railroad strike between the American Railway Union, the Pullman Company, and the government. The strike began when Pullman cut wages after an economic hit. Railroad owners put US mail on their trains. When strikers refused to move the mail it was seen as effecting the US mail system and some strikers were imprisoned.
  • Bituminous Coal Strike

    The United Mine Workers went on strike for safer conditions, health benefits and better pay in 1946. President Truman saw the Mine workers actions to be going against he recovery of WW2 effort, so he tried to make a settlement. The workers did not accept the settlement and were fined millions of dollars and forced back to work. Even though they were forced Truman met most of their demands.
  • UPS workers strike

    The UPS workers strike began in August of 1997. The workers wanted full-time jobs instead of just part-time,and higher wages . These workers had all their demands met.