

  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
    This was an event where 146 workers perished in a terrible fire, with 123 of them being women and girls and 23 being men. The fire that broke out could have been avoided and many wouldn't have died, but there were many hazards like locked doors, fire escapes, and oil lying around. This event led to legislation requiring improved factory safety standards to prevent such events from repeating.
  • Radium Girls

    Radium Girls
    The radium girls were factory workers who had developed radiation poisoning from painting watches with radium. There had been no safety standards, and we were made to put the tips of the paintbrushes in their mouths in order to make them pointy, while they were told this was safe, they were lied to. There were 50 deaths and many others forever changed, doctors were also paid off to lie so the company would be safe from confrontation. The survivors would be the first to sue their employers.
  • Caesar Chavez

    Caesar Chavez
    Caesar Chavez was a man who fought to raise awareness about the conditions of farm workers. He relied on non-violent protest with one of the most important being the "Delano Grape Strike". He founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) in 1962, and gained public support for his movement. He eventually led the passage of the "California Agricultural Labor Relations Act" which allowed for farm workers the right to unionize and collectively bargain.
  • Puerto Rican Obituary

    Puerto Rican Obituary
    Pedro Pietri
  • Address to the Commonwealth Club of California

    Address to the Commonwealth Club of California
    Cesar Chavez
  • Who Burns for the Perfection of Paper

    Who Burns for the Perfection of Paper
    Martín Espada