Lab Ready Chef

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    Enter lab area

    Enter lab area
    Come into room quietly, enter the lab area with lab binder and recipe from front counter.
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    Self clothing check

    Self clothing check
    Review poster in the lab area ensuring you have closed toe shoes, unripped pants, and long sleeves are folded up.
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    Tie back long hair

    Tie back long hair
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    Cover up any open wounds

    Cover up any open wounds
    Any visible cuts or scratches must be covered with dressings from the first aid kit located on the back wall.
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    Wash hands

    Wash hands
    Wash hands with soap in your designated lab area. You must wash hands for at least 30 seconds (sing “Happy Birthday” song twice), preferably with warm water.
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    Put on clean apron

    Put on clean apron
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    Wait for lab group

    Wait for lab group
    Wait for ALL other group members to be “lab ready”. During this time you will watch and review the recipe demo video.