French revolution 6

La Révolution française

  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The Third Class voted to create the National Assembly. This would give them more power since the higher classes always outvoted them in court. Made of people who supported the Enlightenment views, the National Assembly ended absolute monarchs in France and created a representative government. It was the first representative government and was a sign of future rebellion. Shortly after, the people would act in the Tennis Court Oath.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    After forming the Assembly, the third estate/class were locked out of their room for Estates-General. They broke into the tennis court outside and formed a pact. They would not leave until a new constitution was created. This act of defiance and the willingness to stand up for rights was an outright rebellion. It caused enough concern that the monarch placed men around Versailles.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Scared by the monarch's actions to arm his men, the Assembly decided to arm their people. They stormed the Bastille's armory for weapons. They killed te guards and carried the heads around in victory. This was the first violent act of the revolution. It is also the French Independence day.
  • The First War

    The First War
    As the French Revolution grew more powerful, other countries feared that revolution ideas would spread to their country and cause uprisings. Austria and Prussia attempted to convince the Assembly to reinstate the monarch. In reply, the Assembly declared war. This moment is important because it shows the threat that France opposes to other nations.
  • National Convention

    National Convention
    The Assembly voted to create the National Convention as a new legislative body. It disposed of the kind and declared France a republic. All men were given the right to vote however no women shared this right. Before, France still recognized the king to an extent. This National Assembly completely ended the monarchy in France.
  • Execution of the King

    Execution of the King
    Pushed by Jacobins, the Convention voted to have the king beheaded under treason. The Convention removed all of King Louis' powers and downgraded him to a common peasant. He still walked with dignity to the guillotine, a new invention to make executions faster. This is important because they literally killed the monarchy.
  • Coup d'Etat

    Coup d'Etat
    Napoleon earned fame from his many victories. Upon returning, his friends told him to take political power. People had lost faith in the Directory so Napoleon drove them out and became one of the 3 consuls. He quickly became a dictator. His talents brought Europe to peace in 1802 and allowed the revolution to focus on other things.
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    French Empire

    Napoleon's victories forced European countries to back down. He gathered alliances and territories that created an empire. He also had control of independent countries through family ties. This is important because the empire was the biggest since the Roman Empire. It challenged the power of the rest of the European countries and prompted them to act.
  • Peninsular War

    Peninsular War
    Napoleon wanted Portugal so he sent his invasion through Spain. This outraged the people and sent a surge of nationalism through all the territories under his control. The Spanish rose up and forced his troops out. This was the beginning of the fall of Napoleon.
  • Waterloo

    After his defeat in Russia, Napoleon was sentenced to exile. He returned but was again met with opposition from European countries. They defeated him at Waterloo and returned France to a monarchy. This defeat allowed the rest of the Europeans to end the French Revolution and strengthen the borders to prevent another French domination.