Evolución de la moda en las mujeres. (Guerrero Chávez Mayra Ximena)

  • 1910

    The Industrial Revolution and World War I had an impact on fashion during this decade, the corset was used and the silhouette was exaggerated.
  • Period: to


    The Industrial Revolution and World War I had an impact on fashion during this decade. The corset was used and the silhouette was exaggerated.
  • 1920

    Loose dresses, low heels, hats and fringes predominate. The corset is discontinued and the hem reaches above the ankle.
  • 1930

    As the men were going to fight, the women took over not only the houses, but the businesses, and this led them to wear pants.
  • 1940

    Bright colors and excess fabrics returned. The hem reached below the knee.
  • 1950

    Pastel colors, long skirts and leather jackets were used.
  • 1960

    The miniskirt is born and there is a great variation of colors. Flared pants and cotton fabrics predominate during this decade.
  • 1970

    It was the disco era. Synthetic fabrics like lycra and platform shoes topped the fashion scene during the 1970s. The psychedelic look is created and the use of prints predominates.
  • 1980

    This era is characterized by rebellion in fashion and disco inspiration; the shoulder pads, sequins and leather stand out. Denim became an icon and everyone used it.
  • 1990

    It's the age of supermodels and grounge style. Converse and t-shirts predominate in this age when the look was sloppy and unkempt.
  • 2000

    Pop culture and the cult of celebrities is what most influenced fashion during this era. Low waist pants and skirts were used, as well as glitter and denim.
  • 2010

    They were defined by a revival of austerity age clothing pieces, hipster fashion, neon colors
  • 2020/2021 Actualmente

    2020/2021 Actualmente
    Currently they are dealing with Midi skirts, slouchy pants (the most fashionable among all the jeans that are on trend), boots above the knee.