The story of God (My life)

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born in a hospital in Mexico City, I was the fastest or the luckiest sperm despite being quite thin at least I was alive
  • I enter kindergarten

    I enter kindergarten
    When I entered Kindergarten I was a very shy child and I did not like other children although this was only in the first year
  • I leave kindergarten

    I leave kindergarten
    I do not have many memories of this stage but it was somewhat annoying because as I said earlier I did not get along with the children
  • I enter primary school

    I enter primary school
    Although from this stage I already have more memories, it is somewhat complicated since all my friendships there were disappearing
  • death of my grandmother

    death of my grandmother
    It was quite ugly for me, I was excellent with her and I hope that if there is something more after this, I hope to see her again.
  • I leave primary school

    I leave primary school
    At last I leave a horrible stage and very tired at least for me and I have said how I lost contact with friends
  • I enter secondary school

    I enter secondary school
    This same year I enter high school a fantastic stage of my life full of laughter and happiness in addition to great friends
  • I leave secondary

    I leave secondary
    I leave a very important stage for me and I say goodbye to great friends and my beautiful secondary
  • My COMIPEMS exam

    My COMIPEMS exam
    It has been one of the most nervous days that I have had it was quite complicated but thanks to a divine force I managed to stay
  • I'm in high school 4

    I'm in high school 4
    I'm in the best moment, I'm in my room writing this and listening to Pink Floyd a few minutes after finishing the tolerance, but the best thing is that I'm at UNAM