
  • louis xvi calls the estate-general

    louis xvi calls the estate-general
    France tottered on the verge of bankruptcy, bread riots were spreading, nobles, fearful of taxes were denouncing royal tyranny. Finally Louis XVI summoned the Estates General to meet at Versailles. In preparation , he had all three estates prepare cahiers - notebooks listing their grievances
  • ,storming the bastile

    ,storming the bastile
    streets buzzed with rumors that royal troops were going to occupy the capital. 800 parisians assembled outside the bastile .Believed that weapons and gunpowder had been stored there.commander rufused to open gates and fire at the crowed. finally the mob broke in killed the commander and gaurds and freed the prisionors.
  • divided french society

    divided french society
    The city of paris took over The spotlight from The Nationals. it was more than 800 parisians outside of the bastille. . The Estates- General convened in May 1789
  • political crisis leads to revolt

    political crisis leads to revolt
    The potitical crisis lead to Food shortage,Attacks on villiages,presant uprising,pulled an all night meeting,nobles agreed to give up,hunting rights,their own privledges, national assembled placed church under state control,
  • third stage of the revolution

    third stage of the revolution
    In reaction to the terror, The revolution entered a third stage. Moving away from the excesses of the convention, moderates produced another constitution, the 3rd since 1789. The constitution of 1795 set up a five man directory and a two -house legislature directed by male citizens of property
  • threats from abroad

    threats from abroad
    The failed escape of Louis XVI brought further hostile rumblings from abroad. InAugust 1791, The king of Prussia and the emperor of Austria who was Maria Antoinettesbrother issued the declaration of Pilnitz. In this document, The two monarchs threatened tointervene to protect the french Monarchy. The Declaration may have been mostly a bluff.revolutionaries in France took the threat seriously and prepared for war.
  • civil war

    civil war
    European rulers increased border patrols to stop the spread of the “French plague”.Emigres reported attacks on their privileges , property , religion , and their own lives. The failed escape of Louis XVI brought further hostile rumblings from abroad issued the Declaration of Pilnitz. the declaration may have been mostly a bluff , but revolutionaries in France took the threat seriously and prepared for was.
  • monarchy is abolished

    monarchy is abolished
    Royalists officers were deserting the French army , joining emigres and others hoping to restore the kings power. August 10, 1792 a crowd of Palisians stormed the royal palace of the Tuileries an slaughtered all the kings and guards.
  • robespierre and the reign of terror

    robespierre and the reign of terror
    danger threatened France on all sides . They were at war with much of Europe at the time. England , Netherlands , Spain , and Prussia. In Vendee, France royalists led peasants in rebellion against the government. Robespierre, a shrewd lawyer, and politician quickly rose to leadership of the committee of public safety.
  • spread of nationalism

    spread of nationalism
    danger threatened France on all sides. European monarch’s shudder as the revolutionaries carried ‘’freedom fever’’ conquered lands.France was a nation in arms. By 1799, the 10- year old French Revolution had dramatically changed France