Adolf Hitler (Abby)
BornBorn, Alois Schickelgruber, Adolf Hitler became known as the man behind the Holocaust. Afte failing to persue a career in art, Hitler moved to Munich, Germany in May of 1913. He then joined the Infantry and then worked his way into the German Workers Party most commonly known as the Nazi Party. After beoming Chancellor of Germany, Hitler began to exterminate millions of Jews, people with disabilities, homosexuals, and many other groups he considered to be non-essential to Germany. -
Maximillian Kolbe Kevin
He was born January 8( my birthday). He sacrificed himself by taking the place of another man who had a wife and child. He is a martyr. and he was canonized a cononized saint. He was dedicated to Mary our mother -
Joseph Goebbels
Joseph Goebbels was a minister of propaganda. He served for the German Third Reich, which was ruled by Hitler. Goebbels was born on October 29th, 1897 in Germany, and had a wife and six children. He had a career in writing, and even wrote a novel, Michael: ein Deutsches Schicksal in Tagebuchblattern. He was chancellor after Hitler for a day, then he and his wife killed themselves and his children. They killed themselves and their children by poisoning them. -
End of World War 1 (effect on Germany)
There was a winter during the post war that was called the turnip winter because the german peopl ate turnips because that was all there was. Germany was at a huge lost of people because of the war. Soildirs were very angry from the reatret and came home from the war with there weapons. The goverment deaclared that germany will be a Republic. Communism started to grow in burlin and wanted to bring down the current goverment. (Kevin K) -
Mein Kampf (abby)
Mein KampfMein Kampf, transated to my struggle, was written by a man named Rudolf Hess. Although the thoughts are Hitler's, he spoke to Rudolf while he was in jail. Mein Kampf talks about many different things include his childhood and racial views. Hitler believes that the Aryan race is the strongest and most predominant race. Aryans are considered to have blonde hair and blue eyes, the image of perfection. On the bottom of his racial scale are the Jews, Romas (greeks), as well as homosexuals. -
The Great Depression Emma
The Great Depression was when the stock markets crashed and put people in an economic crisis and left many people homeless and in poverty. The Great Depression provided motivation for President Roosevelt’s new deal. His deal “included both laws passed by Congress as well as presidential executive orders during the first term of Roosevelt.” The Great Depression ended around 1942, after the entrance of World War ll, and after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It was mainly World War ll that ended it. -
Jewish Ghettos emma
Life in the ghettos was primarily overcrowded and agonizing. There were many families living in one apartment and they barely had enough space to survive. They were starved, and could only purchase a small amount of food. There was garbage rolling around the streets along with bodies that died of starvation, or froze. Thousands of people did not have families, so they lived in the streets. This was a very hard time for Germany. -
Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany Emma
Adolf Hitler ws declared chancellor of the National socialist german workers party by President Paul von Hindenburg. This was in 1933. Hitler benifitted from Hindenburgs death by combining the jobs of chancellor and president to be the furer. -
Berlin Olympic Games (abby)
The Berlin Olympic GamesThe Berlin Olymic Games, were held in Germany from August !st to August 16th, During the time of the olympics, Jews and other races were being cruelly treated by Germany. Some countries such as the United States and France tried to boycott the olympics, however this failed in the end. Germany went to extreme measures to avoid conflict by taking down Anti-Jewish signs and making sure international visitors were not arrested for violating homo-sexual laws. -
Invasion of Poland Kevin
The Nazi's used a blitzkrieq against Poland. Hitler Was taking a gamble by attacking Poland because of their allies, Britain and France. The Nazi's attacked on September 1st. The Polish surrendered on September 27th. The invasion of Poland started World War II. -
Pearl Harbor (Abby)
Pearl Harbor guaranteed Americas full participation in World War II. On December 7th, 1941 Japanese aircrafts bombed and sunk many American Naval ships, killing and wounding around 3500 American troops. Then, on December 8th Congress decided to declare war on Japan and then a few days later, on Germany. Many expected Japan to atttack the islands of the west such as the Indies, however they conquered the east as well. Now, many US citizens who were not eager to go to war, were supportive.