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Kyrie's Life Path

  • The Gemini is Born

    The Gemini is Born
  • Period: to

    Kyrie's Past Timespan

  • Rushed to the Emergency Room

    Rushed to the Emergency Room
    One night many moons ago, my sides started to hurt really bad. The pain was coming from my kidneys and it was to the point of putting me on the floor. My mom and my dad quickly rushed me to the ER. The doctors said i had a really bad bladder infection. One of the nurses wanted to give me some medicine that was made for adults. Luckily, i didn't take it because it could have killed me. I was about 7 when this happened.
  • Parents Divorce

    Parents Divorce
    I cant quite remember when they split up but I can remember the night that they got into a huge fight. We were in Salida spending time with my grandparents and for some odd reason my mom and dad started to fight. It blew up and my mom got in her car and took me with and my dad got in his truck and chased after her. My dad ended up brushing the back of my moms car. She quickly took me back to the house. My dad picked me up and raced after my mom. I can still remember my legs being numb.
  • ATV Accident

    ATV Accident
    I was out in my step father's field on a four wheeler. I was with a couple of friends and we were jumping over some small hills. It was my turn to jump and I sped up to make it to where I could catch some air. I ended up hitting a rock and my steering went off. I plowed right into a ditch. I only walked away with a few bruises and some mental trauma.
  • Dylan

    I met Dylan about 2 years ago. We started talking about the bands we like and I noticed we have a lot in common. We started talking almost every day. He has always been there for me and I appreciate everything he has done for me. He is my best friend.
  • Astrology

    I have loved Astrology since I was 11. It is kind of like a religion to me and it is also a hobby. I love to know about ruling planets and the zodiac signs and all of the characteristics of Astrology.
  • Period: to

    Kyrie's Present Timespan

  • Art

    I have always loved art ever since I was a little kid. But I didn't really get into it until a few years ago. I started to take it seriously and i started drawing all the time. I still love to draw and I also love to paint.
  • Tommy

    Very recently I started dating Tommy. I got to know so much about him over Christmas break. I learned that he is a Scorpio which kind of terrified me because of past experiences with Scorpios. But I quickly started to like him. Everything about him is interesting to me.
  • Trip to Europe

    Trip to Europe
    In June I have the opportunity to go with Mrs. Curl and some kids on a trip to Europe. We will be seeing London, Ireland, and Scotland. As well as some of the major cities in these areas.
  • Period: to

    Kyrie's Future Timespan

  • Go To College

    Go To College
    I will probably go to college to get at least a bachelor's degree in Astrology and Art and then I will major in something else.
  • Travel Around the World

    Travel Around the World
    Other than getting to go to Europe I will probably travel a lot more once I am out of high school. I have always wanted to travel around the world to see different cultures.
  • Netherlands

    I really want to live in the Netherlands when I am much older. I want to own a small cottage and a whole bunch of animals.
  • Animals

    I have always been an animal lover and I have always wanted to own a zoo. When I have my own land I plan on owning a bunch of animals of different kinds. Kind of like a mini zoo.
  • Art Gallery

    Art Gallery
    When I am possibly into retirement or even sooner than that I really want to own my own art gallery.
  • Kick the Bucket

    Kick the Bucket
    I don't know when I am going to die but if I make it to be 100 or at least 90 then I'm okay with that.