Cities: Rome
This histoy of rome starts in 753 BC. There is just a myth of the how Rome was found. It started with two twin brothers named romules and remes. Remes founded the city where they were snugled by a she-wolf as an infant. -
Cities: London
This city was founded in 43 BC. London the Capital of England and united Kingdom was founded 2000 years by the Romans as londoninium. This city's has been the largest city for centries longer than the 1700. -
Period: 100 to 300
Classical Antiquity
Period: 100 to
Pax Romana
Period: 100 to 250
Civilizations: Myans
The histroy of the myans was a civilization of Mesoamerica. Around 300 B.C. the Maya adopted a system of government with that had a ruler by nobles and kings which was the hierarchical system. This cilazations was founded in 2000 BC. -
Period: 100 to May 22, 1235
Civilizations: Wagadou
In this an African Civilization, it was located in what is now southeastern Mauritania, and Western Mali. When this Wagadou exiisted it was a wealthy by taxing all traders that where in Ghana. They has a strong arm that had over 2,000 soilders. -
Period: 500 to May 15, 1500
Middle ages
Period: May 16, 1095 to May 16, 1291
Period: May 15, 1400 to
Period: May 22, 1427 to May 22, 1521
Civilization: Aztecs
The history of the Aztecs date all the way back to 1325 BC.
The Aztecs was a group that was once a part of the mexicans. -
Period: May 22, 1438 to May 22, 1533
Civilization: Incas
The incas is an empire that centered in what is now Peru. This civilizations was the most famous place because of the toristes sits like Machu Picchu and Cuzco. -
Period: May 15, 1492 to
Age of European Exploration
Sep 20, 1500
This history of a camera was dated all the way back to the 1600. The early cameras were able to prjoect images into glass or paper. The first camera that became popualr was in 1558, it was called a the Camera Obscura. The camera Obscura was seen as a drawing tool for a clearer and realistic portrayal of objects -
Period: May 15, 1517 to
Period: to
Age of Enlightenment
Cities: New York
The history was found ing 1624, today it is the most popular place in the United states to visit. The first recording of exploration was by a dutch area around NEw york bay. The ship that explored new york was " The Half Moon", the captian of the ship was Henry Hudson. -
Period: to
Quing Dynasty
Cities: Southbury CT
This history of Southbury connecticut dates all the way back to 1673.Southbury was originally a part of woodbury. In that time period the lives of the colonists, were centered and controlled by the church in that city. -
Period: to
7 year war
Period: to
American Revolution
Documents: Decalaction of Independence
This document was a statement adopted by the congress on july 4, 1776. It announed that the thirteen colonies are no longer apart of the British empire. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Cites: Los angeles
The history of Los Angeles started in 1781. This us the most popular city in CA. The europeans tha first foiunded the city in 1542, but did not stay. Later a group of 52 settlers, they established the settlement. Now it is called los Angeles riverside. -
Documents: Constitution of the United States
This is a document that tells American the suprem law of the United States. This also seperates the rulers into three branches a legislature, the bicameral Congress; a federal judiciary headed by the Supreme Court. -
Document: The BIll of Right
the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, aproved in 1791 and guaranteeing such rights as the freedoms of speech, assembly, and worship. -
Period: to
French Revolution war
Period: to
Napoleonic wars
Battles: The Battle of Fort Sumter
This battle took place in battle of Charleston, South Carolina, that started the American Civil War. -
Battle: The battle of Santa Rosa Island
This battle was a unsuccessful attemt of union held Fort pickens.The union lost 14 kills, this battle was 40 miles long. -
Battle: The battle of Fredricktown
This battle was the engagement of American Civil Warit took place in Madison Coutry missouri. The union victory strengthen their control of southeastern missouri. -
Battle: The battle camp of Wildcat
This battle was an early engagement of the Civil war. There was bout 7,000 men, the battle took place in kentukey. -
Battle: The battles of Gettysburg
The battle of Gettysburg was a battle that occured for three days. This battle involved over 160,00 Americans, this battle was the turning point in the Civil war. -
Light bulb
The first light bulb was invented in 1809. Tomas Edison improved the invension in 1879. He discvoered that carbon filiment in an oxygen- free bulb that burn up for 40 hours. Edventually, he improved in and mad it last over 15,000. -
The fan was basically two blades attached to a motor. The first had brass blades and brass cages. In the 1920's they changed the shape of the blades and made the blades steal. -
The radio is the history of technology that invented a radio instrument that used radio waves. Then the radio became wireless telepgraphy. -
Period: to
World war 1
Documents: Treaty of versailles
This document was one of the peace treaty of World War 1. -
Period: to
Chinese civil War: nationalists vs. Communtists
Period: to
Chinese civil war: Nationalists vs. Communists
Choice: Holocaust
The holocaust was the mass murder that happened in 1933 because one man didnt like jews. Adolf hitler came to power, holocaust means sacrifice by fire. -
Period: to
World war 2
Choice: Knotts berry farm
Knotts berry farm is owned by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company and located in buena Park CA. There is over 3.654 million people that vist a year. -
Period: to
Cold War Era
Documents: The Cat and the Hat
The Cat and the hat was a very popular book that Dr. suess created. This book is the first featuring the title character. More than 11 million copies have been made. -
Choice: disneyland
Disneyland is a theme park that is located in Anehim, owned by Walt disney. This park has over 160 acres. -
Period: to
Persian Gulf War
Choice: Kylie Vazquez Birthday
I was born on November 17,1996 in huntington beach. I attend Crossroads High school and play softball here. My favorite sport is soccer, i have been playing since i was 5 years old. -
This is a cell phone ,is a line of smartphone, marketed by apple. They started working on the iphone on 2004, gather a team of 1000 employees to work. -
Choices: CCHS
Crossroads Christina High school has been open since 2009. This school has come a long way from for years ago. Only having less than 13 high schooler but now having little over 100 kids. This year will be the first graduating class.