Marquis de Rubi's report and his Recomendations
On August 7,1765, Marquis was appionted by the king to be an inspector of the frontier presidos. He started his mission on Dec. 1765 - March 1766. When he went to inspect he was joined by many peopl and traveled many places. Even though he arrived back to Mexico City around Febuary 1768, his offical report was in by April 10. -
Phillp Nolan
Nolan came to Texas around the 1790s. When he was here he went top the governer of Louisiana to present plans of how to capture wild horses and Mustangs. Since the governer agreed Nolan went on many trips to Texas. The Spanish officials were getting sucpisous of him because of the loss of Mustangs and the people he talked to. Another governer ordered Nolan's arresst from all the stealing he has done. When he got out of prison he went on another exposition and was killed by Spanish soldiers. -
Father Hidalgo
On September 16,1810 Hidalgo ordered the arrest of native Spanards in Dolores. He also made a speech called Grito de Dolores. This called for a rebellion, which they won on May 5, 1862. On August 1, 1811 Hidalgo got shot from a rebel.
Mexicans celebrate their independece now on September 16 because that was the moment when independence began. -
Augustus Magee
When ever Magee was in milatary school he was known for being one of the best young officers. After a couple of years he made plans with two men named Peter Samual Davenport and Jose Bernado Maximiliano Gutierriz de Lara to invade Texas. When they did invade Magee became ill with consumption or malario fever. But he stayed in command until he died on Febuary 6, 1813. -
Battle of Medina
The Battle of Medina was fought on August 18,1813. This wasn't just the bloodiest battle, it affected Spain, Mexico, the USA, England, and France.The night of August 17,Toledo planned to ambush the enimies.In the morning Toledo led them to where they would ambush, but they were hot, thirsty, and tired when they got to where they could ambush.They ambushed anyways and retreated starting out with 1400 men toless than 100 men. -
Jean Lafitte
On September 12,1816 Galveston was declared part of the Mexican Republic. One year passed and Laffite sailed to Galveston and took it over. In 1818, Lafitte was told to leave Gaveston from President Monroe. In 1835, there was a hurricane that merged the two islands, which is now modern day Galveston Island. -
Dr. James Long
Dr. James Long was the leader of the long expositioin. Durindg his life he was talked to joining a group that would take over Texas from Spain. This group was called Filbustering. In 1822, Dr. James Long's life was ended by a guard who was hired to kill him, this mans name is Jose Felix. -
State Colonization Law
On August 18, 1824, the congress passed a law and a state law of Coahaila and Texas. One limitatio n in this law is no lands could be granted within twenty leages of the international boundry. Another on close to it is that within you can' t be granted ten leages of the coast without approval. -
Merger of Coahaila and Texas
On August 18, 1824, the Nation Colonization law superseded the Imperial Colonization Law, dertermined how Texas would be peopled. And on October 4, 1824, they wrote a Federal Constitution of the United States of Mexico. This stated that Americans could settle on their land but Mexicans got the first choice of land. New immigrants were also free from any taxes. Around the 1820s Mexico began rethinking it's immigration policy. -
Mexican Federal Constitution
This constitution was a mix of the Spanish Constitution of 1812 and the United States constitution. It stated many freedoms people should have and limitations. Such as religion, no slavery, ect. -
State Constitution (Coahaila y Texas)
On August 1824,Baron de Bastroprepresented Texas, to make the constitution for Coahaila and Texas. It was published on March 11, 1827. It listed many freedoms and limatations we have. -
Jose Guttierriz de Lara
When he was a young adult he was sent to find recruts along the Rio Grande with his brother. Later on in life he became a blacksmith,merchant, and a property owner at Revilla. On April 1812, he and another person named William Shaler were in Natchitoches , where the Guttierriz exposition assembled, and set off for Texas.