Kwesi Mintah Timeline

  • Nov 8, 1200

    Trojan War (summary)

    During the opening of the Trojan war Odysseus was the king of Ithaca and was known for his intelligence and bravery in battle. when the Trojan war began it was caused by the capturing of Helen by Prince Paris of Troy. initially Odysseus refused to fight in the war but when Agamemnon's' men took his infant son and stored him in the way of the plow, he had no choice but to fight. He also had to fight because Helen of Troy was captured and he swore on oath to protect her.
  • Nov 8, 1200

    Trojan War (analysis)

    When you look over the events pertaining the trojan war you see that Odysseus gains the sense of advocating and acting for others and this relates to the opening of the trojan war because when he noticed Helen was kidnapped he knew he had to act and act fast to rescue her from troy. this is event is most important during the different odyssey books because this trait is carried throughout the story when he has to save his men and find ways to help them out of dangerous situations.
  • Nov 12, 1200

    Lotus Eaters (analysis)

    When Odysseus encountered lotus island along with his men he learned how to not fall victim to temptation and to stay on course. when his and his men came in contact with the natives of Lotus island and their powerful plants they completely forgot about the initial plan/goal. they fell victim to succumb and this event was specifically important in terms of Odysseus' voyages because it teaches an important lesson that applies to future events they encounter.
  • Nov 12, 1200

    Lotus Eaters (summary)

    Lotus Eaters were a race of people who lived on an island that were infested by lotus trees which they got their predominant food source from giving them the name "Lotus Eaters". when Odysseus and his men voyaged to this island they were persuaded by the residents to eat the lotus Plants which altered the minds of the men and made them forget about their homeland and want to stay on the island to eat more plants.
  • Nov 15, 1200

    Cyclops (analysis)

    During Odysseus invasion into the cyclops cave he learns how to make smart decisions and to not be so cocky in different situations. though Odysseus may have outnumbered the cyclops in terms of people, one slight move could have awakened him and he would have attacked the troops possible killing majority of them because of his enhanced height and strength. This didn't happen and Odysseus made it out safely but he put himself and others at risk when he intoxicated the beast before killing him.
  • Nov 15, 1200

    Cylops (summary)

    The Cyclops (polyphomes) species are giant one eyed creatures who fend off of humans for food. These creatures are predominantly found in caves which is where Odysseus and his men encountered one during their many voyages. Though they may eat majority of humans, they will really eat whatever comes to hand hence the size and height. Their significance in the story comes in when Odysseus and his men find their way inside the cyclops' cave where he is residing in his slumber.
  • Nov 17, 1200

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind (analysis)

    Similar to previous voyages Odysseus learns to not fall to temptations when given such an opportunity. when Odysseus was gifted the bag of wind by Aeolus he predicted this was the key to the fastest route back home to Ithaca and it was but also led to their set back and ultimately their demise. Odysseus men were intrigued by the bag specifically because of who it was obtained from. because of this they decided to open the bag that contains the powerful winds. Odysseus should have understood powe
  • Nov 17, 1200

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind (summary)

    Aeolus in odyssey was the keeper of wind who resided within the floating islands of Aeolia. after Odysseus' affair with the one eyed cyclops Odysseus traveled to Aloes the keeper of wind for a request of his winds that will assist him with his voyage back home to Ithaca. the bag Odysseus was gifted contained powerful winds that could easily blow Odysseus off course or lead him towards his destination.
  • Nov 19, 1200

    Circe (summary)

    Circe is first introduced in brook 10 of the odyssey and is an immortal goddess who utilizes her power and specifically the power of shapeshifting others. she resides on the island of Aeaea where she encounters Odysseus and his men on their journey back home to Ithaca. throughout Greek mythology Circe is describes to be a beautiful goddess which relates to the reason Odysseus fell victim to her seductive acts and stayed with her on Aeaea island for a year accompanied by his men.
  • Nov 19, 1200

    Circe (analysis)

    during the events with Circe Odysseus learns how to keep restraint/composure because of the long lasting effects it has had on his journey and his men. when he fell victim to Circes seductive acts he ultimately hurt not only him and his men but his journey as well because of the delay it was put on due to Odysseus demonstration of lack of restraint. Odysseus agreed to stay with Circe on the island for a year but it was the only way to get Circe to agree to turn his men to normal showing no restr
  • Nov 22, 1200

    Scylla and Charybdis (summary)

    Scylla and Charybdis are two separated sea creatures that work hand and hand when defeating encounters with enemies primarily oddyseus. Scylla is the creature accompanied by her 6, 12 feet long heads which she uses to devour anything that comes within her reach or radius. Charybdis, the secondary creature can be indentified as a whirl pool because of how she sucks everything within and is almost successful in devouring oddyseus’ boat whole containing him and his men on board.
  • Nov 22, 1200

    Scylla and Charybdis (analysis)

    When you analyze the events regarding oddyseus you can see how this encounter not only tests his leadership skills but also his guidance and initiative skills. Because of much stronger and dominant these two creatures are oddyseus has to make sure he correctly guides his crew ship through their territory without losing majority of his men. If he were to falsely guide through this voyage it could have possibly lead to the execution of most of his men and interfere with his initial voyage plans.
  • Nov 22, 1200

    Sirens (analysis)

    When you analyze their most significant event regarding the encounter with oddyseus, you can see the true power they hold and why encounters with them primarily end towards the victims demise. During oddyseus encounter with the creatures while being tied to the boat, he pleaded and insisted to be released because of how moved he was by their voices and singing in spite of such an important event that would ultimately determine the fate of himself, his men and his journey towards his destination.
  • Nov 22, 1200

    Siren (summary)

    sirens are very powerful sea creatures that encounter oddyseus and his men during their voyage on the boat. Their Iresistible singing voices are used to lure in primarily men towards their demise. their significance can be found within their encounter with oddyseus and how he had to demonstrate the upmost self control to keep not only him but his men safe during their long voyage. Throughout Greek mythology encounters with these creatures will most likely result deadly because of the power held.
  • Nov 23, 1200

    Suiters/home (summary)

    Suiters/home (summary)
    When oddyseus arrives home from his 20 year long voyages he is greeted by the suitors throughout his mansion and specifically with his wife Penelope trying to win her hand in marriage. Oddyseus during these events decides to disguise himself as a beggar testing everyone’s loyalty and participating in the bow stringing contest to win penelopes hand in marriage. After completing the contest and winning he then kills antinous and defeats all of the suitors in his mansion and reuniting with Penelope
  • Nov 23, 1200

    Suitors/home (analysis)

    Suitors/home (analysis)
    When you analyze the events regarding oddyseus’ reunion with his home Ithaca and his wife Penelope it really shows and demonstrates how much oddyseus had to work and strive for this achievement and how much it meant to him when completed.
  • Nov 23, 1200

    Helios’ cattle (summary)

    The events regarding Helios cattle take place when oddyseus profusely tells his men to not kill the cattle and leave it be. While oddyseus was enduring his long slumber he failed to teach his men self restraint because they were later persuaded by eurylochus to kill the cattle. Upon his awakening he was met by the killing of the cattle committed by his men and their feasting. After this, when they sought out for their voyage Zeus casted a large storm killing everyone on board excluding oddyseus.
  • Nov 23, 1200

    Helios’ cattle (analysis)

    Though previously in the events with Scylla and Charybdis I stated how oddyseus successfully guided and taught his men, When you analyze the events regarding Helios’ cattle and Odysseus men he did not efficiently guide his men. If Odysseus were to have efficiently taught and guided his men they would not have been so easily persuaded by eurylochusbut because of the abscess of teaching they were which lead to their demise.