Kublai Khan

  • Sep 23, 1215

    Kublai Khan is born

    Kublai Khan is born
    On September 23rd 1215 Kublai Khan was born. Kublai was born in Asia. he was destined to become the Great Khan.(http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Kublai-Khan)
  • Dec 20, 1216

    Henry III becomes King.

    Henry III becomes King.
    in 1216 Henry III becomes King of England. When he was 9 years old he couldnt take control of the kingdom because he was to young. When he was old enough he was bale to lead his lkingdom for 53 years.(http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/timeline_1200.html)
  • Dec 20, 1217

    5th Crusade begins

    5th Crusade begins
    the 5th crusade begins and lasted until 1222. Thc crusaders went to go take Egypt from the muslims. They wanted to take Egypt because the muslims were getting to hard to beat. (web.cn.edu/kwheeler/timeline_1200.)
  • Dec 20, 1224

    French and English War

    French and English War
    France and England go to war because of territories held by the french. The wr ends in 1227.(http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/timeline_1200.html)
  • Dec 20, 1229

    Genghis Khans son Ogadai becomes great Khan

    Genghis Khans son Ogadai becomes great Khan
    Ogadai was elected Great Khan two years after his father died Genghis Khan. He was the Great Khan until 1241.(http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/timeline_1200.html)
  • Dec 20, 1243

    Egyptians recapture Jerusalem

    Egyptians recapture Jerusalem
    In 1243 the Egyptians recaptured Jerusalem from the crusaders. The Christians either fled or the were killed.(http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/timeline_1200.html)
  • Dec 20, 1247

    Emperor Fredrick II and Pope Innocent IV's as allies

    Emperor Fredrick II and Pope Innocent IV's as allies
    Pope Innocent IV and Emperor Fredrick II had a struggle as allies. Their warfare lasted until 150 when Conrad IV became Emperor.(http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/timeline_1200.html)
  • Dec 15, 1260

    Kublai Khan becomes the Great Khan

    Kublai Khan becomes the Great Khan
    Kublai becomes the great Khan in 1260. the granson of Genghis Khan was now ready to follow in his footsteps. he will have many memerable achievements as the great Khan.(http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Kublai-Khan)
  • Dec 15, 1264

    Kublai wins the Mongolian Civil War

    Kublai wins the Mongolian Civil War
    In 1264 Kublai wins the Mongolian Civil War. Kubali winning this Civil War was huge for him. This was one accomplishment of many to come.(http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Kublai-Khan)
  • Dec 6, 1271

    Khan moved Chinas capital to Beijing

    Khan moved Chinas capital to Beijing
    Kublai Khan changed the capital of china to Beijing. When Kublai took over China he changed the capital to Beijing. Then he went to take over Japan.(http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Kublai-Khan)
  • Dec 15, 1271

    Khan establishes the Yuan Dynasty

    Khan establishes the Yuan Dynasty
    in 1271 Kublai khan establishes the Yuan Dynasty. This Dynasty was one of the srongest dynasty of this time period. This Dynasty lasted from 1271 to 1368. Unfortunately thid Dynasty failed the big impact of it failing was because od Kublai's death.(http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Kublai-Khan)
  • Dec 15, 1274

    Kublais first attempt to invade Japan

    Kublais first attempt to invade Japan
    Kublai Khans 1st attempt to take over Japan. this was the first of 3 attempts by Kublai and they all failed. This wasnt anything that Kublai wanted to remember.(http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Kublai-Khan)
  • Dec 16, 1275

    Marco Polo joins Kublai

    Marco Polo joins Kublai
    In 1275 Marco Polo came to Asia and joined with Kublai. Kublai would send Marco around to do jobs for him and they worked very well together.When Marco and his family wanted to leave to go back to Venice Kublai didnt want him too because they were really good friends but then he allowed him to leave.(http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Kublai-Khan)
  • Dec 16, 1279

    Kublai becomes ruler of all China

    Kublai becomes ruler of all China
    Kublai became the Emperor of China in 1279. He was a very successful ruler until he dies in 1294. He influenced foreign trade and many new ideas with China.(http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Kublai-Khan)
  • Dec 16, 1286

    Kublai's wife Chabi Khantun dies

    Kublai's wife Chabi Khantun dies
    in 1286 Kublai Khan's wife Ghabi Khantun dies. Kublai had more then one wife bt he loved her the most out of all oof them. When she died his last days of being the Great Khan were boring for him.(http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Kublai-Khan)
  • Dec 15, 1294

    Kublai Khan dies

    Kublai Khan dies
    in 1294 Kublai Khan dies. The last 10 years werent anything special for him because he didnt really do anything. he was 78 years old.(http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Kublai-Khan)