
  • Baby is Born

    Baby is Born
  • Period: to

    January 1, 2022- January 1, 2023

  • Baby Lifts Chin

    Baby Lifts Chin
    Baby lifts their head from the ground when set on their stomach.
  • Baby Lifts Chest and Chin

    Baby Lifts Chest and Chin
    When placed on the ground, the baby lifts their chest and chin to get a better look at the world.
  • Baby Reaches

    Baby Reaches
    Baby starts to reach for interesting objects, albeit unsteadily. They've also mastered the art of holding their head up.
  • Baby (May) Start Teething

    Baby (May) Start Teething
    Teething is when the first few baby teeth start to poke through the baby's gums. This tends to happen between 4 to 6 months.
  • Baby Gets Messier

    Baby Gets Messier
    Baby starts to splash, crumble, and bang on items.
  • Baby Sits

    Baby Sits
    Baby learns to sit alone, if only for a short moment.
  • Baby Learns to Turn Over

    Baby Learns to Turn Over
    When laid on their back or stomach, the baby may turn completely over. Keep an eye on them.
  • Baby Eats Better

    Baby Eats Better
    Baby starts to learn how to eat with their fingers, and will reach for spoons.
  • Baby Sits Steadily

    Baby Sits Steadily
    Baby has mastered sitting, and will start taking strides towards walking.
  • Big Steps

    Big Steps
    Baby learns to hold and eat with a spoon, and will start to hold onto furniture to help themselves stand. They've also mastered crawling on their hands and knees.
  • Baby Chooses Their Hand

    Baby Chooses Their Hand
    Baby starts to show preference for one hand over the other, choosing their dominant hand.
  • Baby Has Better Hand Usage

    Baby Has Better Hand Usage
    Baby can now hold drinks from a cup, pick up small objects using their thumbs, and can fit toys such as blocks or nesting toys within one another.
  • Baby Walks Alone

    Baby Walks Alone
    Baby no longer needs your help. Baby is free.
  • Baby's First Christmas

    Baby's First Christmas
    Baby gets spoiled for the first time!
  • Baby's Birthday

    Baby's Birthday
    Your baby has successfully lasted a year. Congratulations!
    Now clean up the mess the smash cake made.