Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Early beginning
3900 BCE
Diseases caused by
The believe that they are caused by evil spirts -
3600 BCE
Treatment for the sick
They use tribal ceremonies to get rid of the evil spirts -
3100 BCE
Medicines used today
Digitalis- it comes from a fox glove plant and it is in pill form and it treat heart conditions in early times the chewed foxglove plant
Quinine- comes from the bark of a cinchona tree and it stops fevers muscles spasm and malaria
Belladonna-and atropine are made from a poisonous nightsade plant it helps relive muscle pains and gastrointestinal
Morphine-is made from opium poppy it treat severe pain it is very addictive and can only be used if nothing else will work. -
Period: 2999 BCE to 399
Ancient times
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
The were the first people to keep health records. They were superstitious and went to the gos to help heal them. In their time the priest were the doctors. They used medicine to heal sickness they learned how to spilt fractures and started to treat blood poisoning with leaches that would drain the blood out of the infected area. And to today they are used in health care to heal skin and help blood circulation. -
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
They were the first to start acupuncture and it was used to treat illness and diseases with all sorts of stone tools -
900 BCE
Ancient Greeks
Medicine was an art in their world they has a temple of healing were they study the sickness they study the diseases and came up with sickness is may come natural causes and not spirts. They had records on what it might be and would search for the information. -
Ancient Romans
They came up with the first organized medical care. They sent people to wars and battles.they had a room in their house for the sick and this is were hospitals Begin. And that is were the pubic building were born. And the doctors were paid by the Roman government. They also had mask that had a black witch they broiled would keep them safe from the infections and sicknesses. -
Period: 400 to 800
Dark ages
Why was the study of medicine stopped
When the Roman Empire was taken over by the Huns they stopped the study of medicine for 1000 years and it was only used in convent. Because they believe it was in gods hands who died. And the priest and monks had no want to know how to cure people. -
How did they treat diseases
They primary treatment was prayer. Medicine was herbal mixtures -
Period: 800 to 1400
Middle Ages
Epidemics cause Millions of death during this time. Bubonic plague or Black Death killed 60 million people and other daisies like small pox’s diphtheria syphilis tuberculosis killed many people also. -
Period: 1350 to
Rebirth -
- had universities for medical schools -their search for new ideas
- they accepted dissection of the body for research
- they published books and that allowed for more knowledge on things
Period: 1501 to
16th 17th centuries
People -
Leonardo da Vinci
Study anatomy and depiction of the human body -
Gabriele Fallopius
Discovered fallopian tubes in female Anatomy -
Bartolommeo Eustachio
Discover the tube from the ear to the throat -
William Harvey
He was able to learn the circulation of blood and the pumping of the heart a describe it. -
Antonie von leeuwenhoek
Invent the microscope and found out that their was life smaller than the human eye can see he scraped his teeth and found the Bactria that causes tooth decay and even tho people didn’t relished he found the way to see the germs that caused viruses -
Early pharmacies stared in this time and in midiebal England these apothecaries the trade of drugs and spices from the east -
Period: to
18 century
Benjamin Franklin
He discovered bifocals and found that colds can be pasted from person to person -
Medical students learning
To teach medicine they require student attend lectures and in the labs but when a pain tent died they had to learn using the body on what happened. This lead to people learn what killed the other person -
Joseph Priestley
He discover the element of oxygen he also found that plant give oxygen back to the air -
Edward Jenner
He discovered the small pox vaccine this killed many people before his discovery -
Rene Laennec
The stethoscope was invented and it allowed for them to hear the heart and lungs allowing doctors to know if someone was sick. -
Period: to
19th 20th century
Ignaz Semmelweis
He identified the cause of childbed fever . Large amounts of woman died from this after childbirth. He noticed that midwives who delivery baby’s died less than physicians they went to they dead room and worked with dead body’s and their hands were dirty and they were not washed after taking care of the body’s that when they went into help with birth gave the moms the disease so now hand washing is still a big thing to this day and that is what needed to happen -
Florence nightingale
She was in a mid class family who opposed the idea of her helping the ill . She got money from her dad and gained experience by volunteering in hospital. She took 38 woman to war with her to help with soldiers dying from cholera. And she spent her life on nursing. -
Louis Pasteur
He was the father of microbiology and he discovered that microorganisms were everywhere. He proved that they caused disease. He also discovered warming milk helped bacteria. He crated vaccines for rabies in 1885 -
Dmitri ivanovski
Some diseases are caused by microorganisms that can not be seen by microscope they are called viruses -
Joseph lister
Discovered microorganisms caused infections he used carbolic acid on wounds and he was the first doctor to use antiseptic during surgery to get rid of infections -
Ernst von bergmann
He developed asepsis he knew from other research that germs caused infections and he devoted a way to keep a germ free area and this was the begging of asepsis -
Robert Koch
Discovered many disease causing organisms he developed a plate method to identify pathogen and isolated bacterium that caused tuberculosis. -
Paul ehrlich
Discover the effect of medicine on disease causing microorganisms it was effective in some ways but not effective in killing Bacteria he complied 606 experiment to find the cure for syphilis on the 606th he found the treatment that worked -
Wilhelm roentgen
He discovered how X-rays work in 1895 he took his first picture of his wife’s hand -
Before this medicine they would choke their patients to make them go unconscious. Manny died from shock and pain. During the 19th centenary nitrous oxide for de tail care and chloroform were founded this makes them go into a deep sleep. -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Founded penicillin kill life treating Bactria witch was one of the most important discoveries of the 20th centuries. People died of virus that are curable before this was founded -
Sigmund Freud
Discovered conscious and unconscious parts of the mind and he studied what being unconscious did to the mind and founded that the mind and the body work together. He studied psychology -
Gerhard domagk
Discovered sulfonamide compound this was a the first Medicean that was effective in killing bacteria. This started to kill deadly diseases -
Jonas Salk discovered that a dead polio virus would cause immunity to poliomyelitis. This paralyzed thousand adults and kids it seamed to attack the most active and fit people
discovered that a dead polio virus would cause immunity to poliomyelitis. This paralyzed thousand adults and kids it seamed to attack the most active and fit people -
Albert Sabin
He discovered the oral polio vaccine and is also associated with poliomyelitis that killed Many children -
Francis crick and James Watson
Discovered the molecular structure of DNA their model shows hoe it replicates and hereditary information is coded -
Christian Barnard
Did the first successful heart transplant -
Ben Carson
Tried to separate the Siamese twins and surgeries on the brain to stop seizures -
Period: to
21st century
Electronic health records
This has all of the patient health records online so if someone goes into the emergency room doctors can pull up the history instead of trying to get paper copies and this is easy access for doctors -
3D printing health care
3D printing his used for many things in medical they can print replacement joints skin and even pills this help for customization for patient usage so this makes a big advancement in the medical world -
Virtual reality
Medical students use this in collage to get real up close feeling on the medical surgeries and how it would feel to be. In the room this gives them a chance to learn with out a real Humans it gives doctor a chance to prepare -
Wearable technology
Things like Apple Watches are also a part of health care they keep track of sleep rates, heart rate and fitness thing throughout the day so doctors can tell if something has changes. -
Mobile health
This is the advancement of technology of where paints can log into a google meet or something like that so they can talk to medical people and get help fast if it isn’t something were they need to go in to an office for like therapy.