Knowledge of the Laws

  • Pennsylvania Association for retarded children vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    This court case was especially influential to individuals with a disability because it allowed someone with a disability to attend a public school free of charge. Before this law someone with a disability were deprived of education because the schools thought this was at their expense. This law was very important for students with disabilities because it allowed them to get the education they deserve and not be held back from getting a proper education.
  • Section 504

    Section 504 is a part of the rehabilitation act. This is a civil rights law that bans someone with a disability from getting discriminated against. This law forces schools to meet the expectations and needs for students with disabiilties just the same as for students that do not have disabilities. I think this law is especially meaningful because it does not hold a student with a disability back from doing anything, everyone is treated the same.
  • IDEA

    IDEA(Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) is a special education law. This law states that if someone is thought to have a disability, they can be evaluated to receive special education services. IDEA, which was passed in 1975 was made so that someone with a disability could stay in school, and not get moved to a different school or classroom. This gives students with disabilities the ability to stay in a school environment and get the proper attention to excel in the classroom.
  • ADA

    ADA stands for Americans with Disabilities Act and was created in 1990. This is a very broad law for who it covers, meaning that it protects anyone with a disability from being discriminated against. The ADA is very similar to IDEA however it covers a larger demographic. The ADA was made to protect someone with a disability from getting discriminated against and also gives them reasonable accommodations. This law has made a huge difference in society because of how big it spans.