Kiyanas timeline on women's fashion in the 1800-1880

  • Stockings

    In the 1800's, women wore stockings. Stockings were basically high socks that went above the knees and were tied with ribon to stay up. Women wore these to keep warm, but also to cover up skin.
  • Drawers

    Drawers were worn only by women throughout the 1800's. They looked like long puffy underwear that went down to just above the woman's knee. Women's drawers were traditionally white because they were not to be seen.
  • Chemise

    A chemsie is a long t-shirt worn as an undershirt. Chemises sometimes had embroidery such as lace. Once agian the chemise was not to be seen.
  • Kercheif

    In the 1830's women were not allowed to show much skin so all women wore kercheifs. Kercheifs were worn for exactly this reason; to prevent skin from showing.Kercheifs were worn around a women's neck and draped down on the upper chest.
  • Corset

    Corsets were worn by women to shape their bodies and make their figures look nice. The materials used in the corset were medal bars to line the figure,a busk to help form a girl's posture (posture was very important for girls to have) and fabric to cover it all up.
  • Gowns

    The gown was an important part of a woman's outfit. It went on top of everything and was what others would be able to see. The gowns that women wore in the 1850s were in colours such as green, purple, blue, white and yellow, etc. The gowns went all the way down to the ground and covered all of the women's legs and feet.
  • Shawl

    Women would drape a shawl over their shoulders as a fashion trend because sweaters were not in style. This was a part of a woman's everyday outfit, almost like a jacket.
  • Shoes

    Shoes in the 1870's and ealier were not called shoes but pumps or brogans. Shoes came in many styles such as high cut ,low cut ,flats or small heels.
  • Cap

    In the 1880's women traditionally wore their hair in a bun on the top of their heads with little ringlets hanging down. When their bun was perfect they would place the cap on top. The cap was to cover the bun, but not all women wore it. The colour of the cap was white and was tied tightly around the bottom of the bun to keep hair inside it.