The History of Afghanistan

  • A New Republic

    In 1973 "Mohammed Daud seizes power in a coup and declares a republic. Tries to play off USSR against Western powers"
  • Shots in the Night (KR)

    As the narrator explains his first expirience of gunfire he forshadows "The generation of Afghan children whose ears would know nothing but the sounds of bombs and gunfire" (36)
  • The Rape (KR)

    As Hassan was getting raped Amir has the chance to avoid all the guilt and pain he was going to fell, "One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be ... stand up for Hassan [but] In the end, I ran" (77)
  • Birthday (KR)

    As Amir looks back to the comment he made to Baba about getting new servants but "even if I hadn't our happy little interlude would have come to an end" (93)
  • Invasion

    Later the Soviet Army gets involved invading "and props up communist government"
  • Peace

    After eight years of fighting "Afghanistan, USSR, the US and Pakistan sign peace accords and Soviet Union begins pulling out troops"
  • A Rising Power

    Through the civil war that followed the peace treaty the Taliban were "recognized as legitimate rulers by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. They now control about two-thirds of country.'
  • 9/11 Fallout

    Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the US a "US-led bombing of Afghanistan begins. Anti-Taliban Northern Alliance forces enter Kabul shortly afterwards"
  • Elections

    Through the influence of the the Capotilist American government, "Loya Jirga adopts new constitution which provides for strong presidency." and later "Presidential elections. Hamid Karzai is declared winner"
  • A New US Strategy

    Barack Obama finds a new strategy to help Afghanistan sending "an extra 4,000 US personnel will train and bolster the Afghan army and police and there will be support for civilian development" Later in
    December the "US President Obama decides to boost US troop numbers in Afghanistan by 30,000, bringing total to 100,000. He says US will begin withdrawing its forces by 2011" but there are no conformations to when the US will completely draw out of Afghanistan.
  • Results of US military occupation

    As the war continues the "Number of civilians killed since the 2001 invasion hit record levels". Also the "relations with Pakistan worsen after a series of attacks, Afghanistan and India sign a strategic partnership to expand co-operation in security and development"
  • Withdraw plan

    "Nato summit endorses the plan to withdraw foreign combat troops by the end of 2014"
  • New Occupational Plans

    Contrary to what was believed earlyer "US President Barack Obama says 8,400 US troops will remain in Afghanistan into 2017 in light of the "precarious security situation". NATO also agrees to maintain troop numbers and reiterates a funding pledge for local security forces until 2020" which was also not part of the previous plan.