Kite Runner: Hazara People

  • Emir Abdur Rahman

    During the reign of Emir Abdur Rahman, 1880-1901, thousands of Hazaras were killed, expelled, or enslaved
  • A new Constitution is implemented

    The new constitution was created to guarantee universal suffrage, however, it did not provide political and social rights for minority groups.
  • Chindawol Uprising

    During this uprising hundreds of Hazaras went missing. Over 2,000 Hazaras were arrested and executed.
  • Sultan Ali Keshtmand

    The Soviets took over the Government and by the 1980's, Hazara rights had improved. Through much of the 1980's, Ali Keshtmand, a Hazara, became Prime Minister.
  • Afshar Operation

    2 day military operation in order to occupy the Afshar district which was mostly occupied by Hazara's. The occupation turned into a masacre a house were burned and looted, and people were killed and raped. It was noted that 70 people died and over 700 went missing.
  • Following the Massacre of 3,000 Taliban in 1997

    In 1997, 3,000 Taliban prisoner were executed by Abdul Malik Pahlawan in Mazar-i-Sharif. In August of 1998, following this even, thousand of Hazara men and boys were killed by the Taliban.
  • The Massacre Continues

    The Taliban killed up 2,000-5,000, and in some reports 20,000 Hazara were killed in Mazar-i-Sharif. Taliban went door to door and shot and slit the throats of Hazara men in front of their families. Families were also shoved into trailers where they died of heat strokes or suffocated. There were also reports of Hazara women being abducted as sex slaves.
  • Ribatak Pass

    In May of 2000, 26 Hazara were killed by the Taliban. These victims had been captured 4 months earlier between January 5 and January 14.
  • Yakawlang Murders

    Lasting from January 8 to January 12 the Taliban killed 170 Hazara men. Around 73 women, children, and elderly were killed when the Taliban fired rockets at a mosque they were taking shelter in.
  • Bamiyan

    Up to 15,000 Hazara people were killed and later found in 3 mass graves in 2002.
  • Karzai Administration

    In 2004, the Karzai took over, giving the Hazara people full citizenship to them.
  • Education/Politics

    As of 2007, Hazaras have been able to pursue higher education, be involved in the military, and even held high political positions.
  • Khas Urozgan

    In June of 2010, up to 9 Hazara men were killed.
  • Zabul

    Afghan militants claiming to be part of the Islamic State abducted and killed 9 Hazara people, 4 men, 2 women, and a 9 year old girl.
  • Ashura Attacks

    An IED exploded and killed 15 Hazaras