King tut

king Tutankhamun

  • 150

    Extinction of the Dinosaurs

    Extinction of the Dinosaurs
    This year the dinosaurs were extinced as a affect of an giant meteor hitting the Earth.The exact year was -65.5 million years ago.(65.5 bc )
  • 300


    first women to rule egypt ad also the last pharoh to rule awell.
    usually you have to be born in egypt to be allowed to rule but this was obviously an exceptance because Cleopatra was born in Greece.Cleopatra was first belived to have killed herself using an Asp that had been smugged in with a basket of plums, but theories have come up about how she died, archiologist have descovered a tomb like room where scientist beive Cleopatra died in.
  • The first Fleet

    The first Fleet
    The First Fleet was a Fleet of eleven ships that came to Australia, each boat full of convicts ready to settle down in Australia, not caring about the Aboriginals rights.
  • Invention Of The Light Bulb

    Invention Of The Light Bulb
    Thomas Edison was a buisness man, inventor and a scientist.
    He is most well-known for his invention of the light bulb,
  • women's right to vote

    women's right to vote
    In is year women in Australia earned the right to vote,
  • World war 1

    World war 1
    world war 1 was meant to be the war that stopped the wars.
  • World war 2

    World war 2
    World war 2 was when Germany declared war on Poland,France and England were to quick o show their allience to Poland, warning Germany to retreat other wise they would intervene.
    This war involed Hitler and Churchill
  • The big bang

    The big bang
    This was the event that created the the earth.
    13,700,000,000 years ago
  • Twin Towers Attack

    Twin Towers Attack
    the twin towers attack happened when some people high-jacked and flown into the twin towers in America (new york).
    The people responsable were never convicted.
  • Bali Bombings

    Bali Bombings
    The bali bombings was a series of terrorist attacks on bali that caused alot of distruption