King p of spain

King Philip II of Spain

By brramos
  • Period: Nov 19, 1550 to

    The Life of Philip II of Spain

  • Dec 8, 1554

    Marriage to Mary

    Philip is remarried to Mary I of England after being married to his cousin Maria from Portuagal died during child birth. The marriage of Marry I and Philip II allowed Philip to have some power in England.
  • Jan 16, 1556

    The beginning of King Philip II of Spain

    King Philip II comes to power after his father, Charles V, retires to monastry. Along with Spain Philip II also inherits the Spanish Netherlands, and some American Colonies.
  • Apr 3, 1557

    Peace betwen Spain and France

    After many years of wars between Fance and Spain, a peace treaty is signed between the two. This became the end to wars between the Hapsburg and Valois Dynasties.
  • Nov 20, 1557

    First Bankruptcy during the rule of King Philip II

    With a steady income of silver and gold, Spain seemed to have been doing well. But in the end the multiple wars led to the borrwing of money from German and Itallian Banker. Silver and gold now being used to repay debts weakened the economy.
  • Mar 11, 1567

    Army sent to the Netherlands

    With the rise of taxes and riots breaking out, King Philip II sends his army to regain control and crush the rising Protestant religion. The fighting continued for eleven years.
  • May 23, 1571

    Defeat of the Turkish Navy

    The Spanish Navy is able to defeat the Turkish Navy in the Mediterranean. Since the begining of King Philip II there had been conflict between the Turkish. King Philip II saw their pirates as a threat to his country.
  • Spanish Armada

    King Philip II sends the Spanish Army into England with hopes to conquer but fails miserably. King Philip believed he could take out the protestant religion and spread Catholicism.