Period: to
King K. Ruling timespan
King K. was Given Kona to rule and he acepted this and became a ruler. He planned to conqure the islands and acheived this goal and he became the grand ruler. He helped put a big price to sandal wood and made rules to keep everyone safe and peacful. He died of illnes during 1811. -
King K. Is destined to conquer the hawaiian islands
In 1756 King K. was born and was destined at birth to be a high cheif and would conquer the islands. At birth he was ordered to be killed because a preist told the ruling cheif ( Alapa'inui) that a a kid will grow up and rule over him. -
King Kamehameha overturns the Naha stone
The high ranked cheifs watched as King Kamehameha proved his strenght by turning the Naha stone. Insteed of turning it he overturned it. He lifted about 5 thousand pounds and prophecy says that if someone overturns the naha stone will conquer all the islands. -
Hawaiian population is at 500,000
He was assingned to be the protector of the war god
When King Kamehameha's uncle died and his son taking the place assingned king kamehameha to protect the war god and this is one of the biggest responsibilities. He showed how respectful he is by sacrificing a person when his Cousin had to sacrifice that person. -
He captured the Fair American
the fair american was captured and King Kamehameha Met and captured John Young and Isaac Davis making them his addministrators. -
The battle of nu'uanu
King K. and his troops shored on a beach in Oahu and they began to climb a mountain and they found the raival cheif. they began to fight and King K. and his troops pushed the enemy into a cliff and were ambushed but they killed the ambushers and pushed most of the enemy off the cliff. -
Period: to
Reign of liholiho
King liholiho was the son of king kamehameha the first and was crowned king after his fathers death and ruled with kahumanu king K's favorite wife.The kapu system was ended when they broke kaper and werent punished so liholiho ordered the heiaus to be destroyed. The first missionarys arrive and teach hawaiians about christianity. He died in London because of measeles with his wife. this news was brought to the hawaiians during 1825 with his grave. -
Kamehameha made the law of the splintered paddle
The law of the splintered paddle shows that you cant get away with stealing and killing without punishment making this the most important rule. He got the idea from getting hit with a paddle and it splinters making him think about why they could do that so he made that rule. -
King Kamehameha conqures the hawaiian islands
King Kamehameha won all the battles and he conqured all of the hawaiian islands. He is a great cheif and a great warior using these abilitys make him a great person. He was also the first to unite the islands and bring peaceto them. -
Sandalwood trade effects Started
Americans find out hawaiians can use sandalwood to trade so they let them trade with them. This made new ideas for hawaiians because they were geting new items which they could use. This also made some Hawaians sick because some sailors can catch flus and pass them on to the hawaiians. -
The end of Kapu System Pt. 1
King Kamehameha's son Liholiho has been chosen to be king K. the 2nd and King kamehameha's favorite wife ka'ahumanu was chosen to be the prime minister and they ruled together. A captain sailed to Hawaii one day and invited the village to eat with them and the men ate with the women and they realized that they were not punished. Liholiho also ate with them which made like kapu has ended.Some cheifs who still beleived in kapu banned together and made a revolt. -
End of Kapu system Pt.2
A young cheif Named Kekoaokalani wanteed to take kapu back and attacked king liholiho but failed and died in attle with his wife. When kapu ended most of the islanders tried to get jobs or henged to christianity. -
arrival of missionaries
Missionaries from connecticut came to hawaii on a boat and asked permision to helt teach the hawaiians. After they got aproved they began to build houses, churches, and schools for the hawaiians. Hawaiians gather to see what they do and they got taught a new language and learned more about christianity. -
Period: to
ka'ahumanu as Kuhina nui
King Kamehameha's favorite wife was given power when she was assinged to be a Kuhina nui and helped liholiho rule. She didn't like the kapu system because i made her not to powerful and broke kapu in secret. She died of old age and Liholiho's half sister took place as ka'ahumanuii -
the population of native hawaiians drops to 125,000
First plantation
During 1835 3 Englanders were given 980 acers of land and with a waterfall which lead to them making a water powered mill. They ground coffee and sugar making great business but they did have problems. They didnt have much workers to get the materials and plants back to the mill. He built houses for the workers and paid them to help expand their business. -
Period: to
Hawaiian whaling timespan
during 1830 Some whaling boats arrive at The islands and Hawaiians join them and found the use of whaling their oils. The whale oil replaced the sandal wood trand and was made into lams and soap. They also sold it for a profit and got alot of new items from it. Beacuse of them doing this whales around the area start to decrease and were about to disapear. Also navy ships came and most of wheling ships were sunk from them. After 1860 the whaling econemy starts to slaken and most whalers gave up. -
the population of native hawaiians drop to 70'000
Princess Bernice Bishop built a school
Princess Bernice Bishop wanted to maintain the two schools of hawaii which one was for boys and one was for girls. She had the people she trust invest money to operate the school.When she died her husband sent out her will which she wrote. -
population of the native hawaiians drop to 30'000
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