King John

By 1659218
  • Dec 24, 1166

    Birth of king John

    King john is born on December 24, 1166
  • Jan 1, 1199

    New king

    King Richard dies. Leaving king John in charge
  • Jan 1, 1204

    Goodbye Normandy and Anjou

    Phillip 2 wants Normandy and Anjou. So John and Phillip go to war and Phillip wins.
  • Jan 1, 1207

    Arch Bishop I Think Not

    Pope innocent 3 tries to appoint a new arch bishop. But John says no.
  • Oct 1, 1208

    Bye Bye Heaven

    Pope Innocent 3 interdicts the whole country of England along with King John. That doesn't go well for King John.
  • Jun 1, 1215

    Better Sign It!

    Nobles force King John to sign the Magna Carter due to his selfish reign as king.
  • Oct 1, 1216

    Good Bye John

    King John passes away leaving his kingship behind.