Squad Recruitment: Take 1
We had our first recruitment meeting today. Students in attendanve were those suggested by teachers/staff as trustowrthy students who might be interested. -
Lunch Time Recruitment
We set up a booth and recruited for members during all three lunch periods at the high school to try and find more students interested in helping maintain their school's technology. -
Final Details
Now that we had students who were interested and ready to join, we met with the school principal to work out scheduling details. -
First Squad Meeting
Today was the first official squad meeting. We had 17 students show up. -
Introducing the KHS Kaverats
Students brainstormed and voted on our official squad name. The KHS MOUSE Squad is now also known as the Kaverats. -
Module One Completed
Students completed module one of MOUSE Squad curriculum. This module covers how to build your MOUSE Squad and the resources available from MOUSE. -
One of our MOUSE Squad students joined the district's Technology Subject Area Committee as one of the first, and only students to be a part of district planning. -
SMART Training
Kaverats began training on the new SMART Lightraise 40wi Interactive Projector. One was installed in every classroom at their school. -
SMART Training #2
Students got to take a look at the new SMART Notebook software that was included with the new classroom technology package. They recevied the same training as teachers for tools and implementation strategies. -
Module Two Completed
Kaverats completed module two today that discusses what you need to successfully run your own help desk. -
Students in the Office
Seniors with free periods begin to help out in the high school tech office. They help the building technician maintain school lab machines, update software, and other tasks submitted through the district help desk. -
Student Led Lessons
Students created videos that demonstrate customer service skills they learned in module seven. -
Module Seven Completed
Squad members finished their third module today. We skipped ahead to module seven to foucs on customer service skills when working with a teacher or student. -
IETA Conference
With the help of our sponsors, Compunet, Neurilink, Tek-Hut, and Stoneware we were able to attend the Idaho Education Technology Association annual conference. While there students were able to tour the BSU student led helpdesk system, and meet & be recognized by Idaho State Department of Education Superintendent Mr. Tom Luna. -
Chromebook Set-Up
Two teachers in the Kuna School District were selected to be a part of a national documentary, "The Great Teacher Project", featuring their implementation strategies of a class set of Chromebooks. MOUSE Squad students were asked to help unpackage and prep Chromebooks while being filmed by the Hollywood film crew. Our 15 minutes of fame! -
KMS Career Day
The KSD Technology Team was asked to present at the middle school's career day and share all they new about careers in IT. The tech team asked a MOUSE Squad member to join them to share with students how they could start preparing for an IT career by getting involved with MOUSE Squad. -
KHS Career Day
MOUSE Squad joined the tech team again for career day at the high school. -
Module Three Completed
This would be the last module we completed for the year. Students taught the entire module to each other by becoming experts in areas such as computer parts, ports and connections, and safety when working with technology. -
Spring Break Updates
Seniors working at the high school helpdesk put hours in over spring break to help with software installs. They were able to cound the time towards their internship credit. -
SMART Slate Unpacking
The district purchased 160 SMART Slates that needed to be unpackaged, prepped, and inventoried. The MOUSE Squad took two week's of meeting time to help out and get the job done. -
ISAT Start-Up
MOUSE Squad helpdesk members were trained on how to properly launch the secured browser necessary for ISAT testing. They were their to help the proctors if they had any troubles. -
Teacher Appreciation
MOUSE Squad students were asked by the district to complie staff photos for the end of the year teacher celebration. -
2013-2014 Squad Recruitment
Students manned tables at lunch to recruit new members for the 13-14 KHS MOUSE Squad. -
KMS Squad Recruitment
Squad members got to travel to the middle school and share about, and recruit for the brand new MOUSE Squad squad starting at KMS for the 2013-2014 school year. -
Paid Employees
Four KHS MOUSE Squad members were hired on as official KSD employees to help with summer technology projects. -
Contracted Work
One of the MOUSE Squad sponsors, Tek-Hut, hired three squad members for three weeks to help with a deployment of over 1,000 PCs for a school district in Idaho.