Frances Willard
- Responsible for the social progression
- Helped with the prohibition movement
- Fought for woman equality
Tin Pan Alley
- Tin pan alley was a name for new York music publishers
- The name was used in the early 1800s to 1900s
- They dominated the music industry in the US
Henry Ford
- Founder of the Ford motor company
- Created jobs: spawned related industries
- Helped create the suburbs
- Created by Congress to provide the nation with a safer monetary and financial system
- President Woodrow wilson signed the Federal Reserver act into law
The Great Migration
- The movement of 6 million Americans out of the rural Southern Unites states to the Urban Northeast.
- Occurred between 1916 to 1970
- More than 90 percent of the African american population lived in the South at the time
Jazz Music
-First Appeared in New Orleans
-It is the only truly genre originated in American
-It was very controversial as many saw it as corrupting the youth. -
Social Darwinism
- An ideal ideological belief that only the fittest while survive
- Plays a big role in modern society
- many social advocates disagreed with this ideology
Marcus Garvey
- He was a black rights leader
- He was credited for his prophecy to be the rise of Rastafarianism
- He was a principle of the political union of all the indigenous inhabitants of Africa.
-In 1919, Congress passed the 18th amendment, making it illegal to produce or sell liquor
-The 18th caused more harm then good since people drinked more than ever when the law was passed.
-In 1933, Congress passed the 21st amendment which ended prohibition -
The Red Scare
-Generated after the revolution by Russia's Bolshevik Revolution in 1917
-Caused major fear of a communist revolution in the U.S.
-In 1919, this fear was heightened by anarchist bombings. -
Harlem Renaissance
- Flourishing of African American musical literary and artistic talent
- Centered in the black district of New York City
- Major figures included Hughes, Johnson, Hurston, Cullen, and Melody
Warren G. Hardings
- Ran for president in 1920, his slogan was "return to normalcy"
- Described the calm political and social order that he wants to the US after idealism and commotion of the prevues president Woodrow Wilson.
Clarence Darrow
- Leader of the Civil Liberties Union
- Defended the Ideas of evolution
- Helped defend John T. Scopes in court
Scopes Monkey Trial
- Tennessee Butler act prohibited teaching darwinian evolution
- ACLU offered to defend any teacher who violated the law
- Biology teacher john agreed to test the law
- ACLU lost the case
William Jennings Bryan
- ran for president 3 times, every time he failed
- Democratic politician from Nebraska
Langston Hughes
- He made Jazz poems
- Changed many Americans views of Blacks
- Was apart of the Harlem Renaissance period/act
Charles Lindbergh
-He was dedicated to win the Orteig Prize for the First nonstop transatlantic flight.
-In 1927, he flew solo from New York to Paris in 33 and a half hours.
-In doing so he won the Ortieg Prize. -
the great Depression
- In 1929, the stock market crashed causing an economic crisis.
- As the effects spreader across the US, 2/3 banks closed across America
- Unemployment rate stood at 25%
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
- President Warren G. Hardings was found guilty of accepting a bride while in office
- He was the first president to be convicted of a crime committed while a presidential candidate member
Black Tuesday
- Share prices on New York stocks exchange completely collapsed becoming a pivotal factor in the emergence of the Great Depression
- it was the 4th and the last day of the the stock market crash
"Relief, Recovery, Reform"
- Relief: To provide jobs for the unemployed and to protect farmers from foreclosure
- Recovery: To get the economy back into high gear
- Reform: To regulate banks, to abolish child labor, and to conserve farm lands
Civilian Conservation Corp.
- Public relief program that operated from 1933 to 1942
- Gave millions of young men employment on environmental projects during the Great Depression
- Helped to shape the modern national and state park systems
20th Amendment
- The terms of the President shall end at non on the 20th day of January.
- Defines who success the presidents position if the president dies
The "New Deal"
- Consisted of three separate aspects: Relief, Recovery, and Reform.
- The new deal relief programs included: Agricultural Adjustments, Tennessee Valley Authority, and the Glass stegull banking.
_ Created in 133 to maintain public confidence and encourage stability in the financial systems
- Granted $2,500 dollars to people that had money in banks even if the bank went under -
Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Distant Relative of Theodore Roosevelt
- Paralyzed in 1921 from polio
- Became president in 1933 and served 4 terms until he did in 1945
21st Amendment
- The 21st Amendment was ratified in 1933
- The election was issued in 1928 and 1932
- Federal Prohibition laws where repealed
- Purpose of protecting investors form dangerous or illegal financial practices or fraud
- Created by congress to regulate the securities markets and prtect investors
Dust Bowl
- Caused by Over Cultivation of land in the great plains
- Sustained drought throughout region
- High winds blew away loose topsoil
1936 Olympics
- Hitler opened the 11th summer olympics games in Berlin, Germany
- The olympics were held in a tense situation with a politically charged atmosphere
- Sparked a global outraged since Hitler made a policy throughout all german athletic organizations.
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
- First lady of the United States form 1932 to 1945
- Moat outspoken woman in the White house
- Gave press conferences and wrote a newspaper column