30 BCE
The final week in jerusalem
17.Triumphal entry.
18.Teaching and controversies in the Temple.
19.Greeks at the feast Discourse on the Last Days.
20.The Passover the Last Supper Gethsemane.
21.Arrest examination crucifixion burial -
29 BCE
Period of popular favor
John imprisoned Samaria Galilee.
8.Rejection at Nazareth.
9.Twelve chosen.
10.Sermon on the Mount.
11.Tours through Galilee Parables and Miracles.
12.Five thousand fed. The Bread of Life -
26 BCE
Early ministry
4.Baptism, Temptation, First Disciples.
5.Visit to Cana and Capernaum.
6.First Passover Nicodemus -
prepatory peroid
Birth of Jesus
Jesus in the Temple
Life in Nazareth -
Period of opposition
13.The Great Confession; the Transfiguration.
14.departure from Galie the seventy sent out.
15.Lazarus raised retirement to peria.
16.Return to Jerusalem teachings on the way Jericho, Zacchaeus arrival at Bethany -
Resurrection and Ascension
22.Resurrection appearances to the Disciples.
23.Meetings with the Disciples in Galilee forty days.
24.The Ascension.