Keppel Club's Covid-19 efforts

  • Keppel Club starts action plan

    General Manager, Mr Desmond Chua, sound out to the management team to prepare ourselves for an Outbreak and to get ready for prevention measures to be in place.
  • First Confirmed Case in Singapore

    Singapore announced its first confirmed covid-19 case
  • HR issues memo to all Staff

    Staff was advised to visit the doctor if they are sick. HODs were briefed to educate staff on the seriousness of the disease.
  • Procurement starts to order supplies

    In view of shortage of supplies such as sanitizers, masks and gloves, Procurement department started to source and purchase the essential items
  • Coordination of Staff coming back from CNY holidays

    Staff coming back from holidays are advised to be on home quarantine. HR and Flu Manager set up operational SOP for standby.
  • Quarantine Room

    As part of SOP, the first quarantine room was set up to standby for any cases that might happen at Keppel Club.
  • Management Committee concerned on upcoming Chinese New Year Celabrations

    Management committee of Keppel Club decided that we should continue with the celebrations however will follow MOH guidelines and temperature screening will be conducted,
  • WHO declares Coronavirus a Global Health Emergency

  • First locally transmitted cases

    The Singapore government announces the first locally transmitted case of the coronavirus
  • Keppel Club Declaration Form

    12 NOON - The first version of declaration form was created by HR and Corporate Comms.
  • Dorscon Orange

    1715hrs - Singapore Government raised the Dorscon Level to Orange
    1730hrs - Keppel Club Management held a emergency meeting and agreed to set up screening center at Multi Storey Carpark.
  • Tee Top Staff steps up

    Tee Top Staff steps up
    Tee top staff started wearing mouth shields for hygiene and safety purposes.
  • Set up of Screening Area

    Set up of Screening Area
    Screening area was set up and ready by 0144hrs by Ismail and security team.
  • Website update on security checks

    Website update on security checks
    Members were updated through the website on temperature screening and security checks.
  • Part Time Screeners

    Part time screeners were employed to assist with screening process
  • Improvements to Screening Center

    Improvements to Screening Center
    Lane markings and other improvements were done to make the screening center a safer and conducive work environment.
  • Step up on Sanitizing

    Step up on Sanitizing
    Both facilities staff and cleaners stepped up on the sanitizing of equipment and facilities.
  • Improvement to Screening Process

    Improvement to Screening Process
    Members can now tap their membership card to facilitate the screening process.
  • No more stickers

    To be more environmentally friendly. Stickers are not issued to visitors who have gone through the screening center
  • Streamlining Screening Process

    Daily briefs on new ideas were discussed to streamline the screening process to facilitate both members, visitors and screeners.
  • Observation Point

    Observation Point
    An Observation point was set up at the screening center to hold visitors whose temperature are at the borderline case. This might be due to the walk they had or even the temperature outside.
  • Stricter Quarantine Order

    Government stepped up on the Quarantine order. Screeners were briefed on the new travel declarations.
  • Singapore extends travel bans

    From Wednesday (4 March) 2359 hours, new visitors with recent travel history to South Korea, Iran and northern Italy within the last 14 days will not be allowed to enter or transit through Singapore
  • Stricter Control for all staff and vendors

    All restaurant staff and Club staff, registering to enter the club premises are subject to routine checks to see if they registered themselves
  • Update on Notices

    Update on Notices
    Notices were updated and send to members on new updates in line with the Government efforts.
  • Covid 19 Meeting

    Management team held an emergency meeting to discuss and present individual departments' action plans and business continuity plan.
  • World Health Organization Declares COVID-19 a 'Pandemic.

  • Singapore imposes new border Restrictions

  • HR consolidating Staff who travel daily

    HR begins to consolidate staff who travel daily back to Malaysia and those who have plans to go back to their home country. This is to prepare those who might need to be on Stay home Notice.
  • Non Essential travel restrictions

    All Staff were told to delay or cancel all non essential travel due to the pandemic.
  • Malaysia Announces Lockdown

    The lockdown will take effect for two weeks from March 18, with all businesses shut except shops selling food and daily necessities
    Malaysians will be barred from travelling overseas, while mass gatherings across the country have been prohibited
  • Staff affected

    Staff affected
    8 staff were affected by the Malaysia Lockdown and have agreed to stay in Singapore throughout the lockdown. Temporary sleeping arrangements were set up for them.
  • Stay Home Notice for all entering Singapore

    Anyone entering Singapore must serve the 14-day stay-home notice from Friday. Singaporeans have also been advised to defer all travel abroad immediately.
  • Covid 19 Meeting

    Covid 19 Meeting
    another meeting to discuss on the escalating situation is held by Keppel Club Management team. Meeting was held without aircon and social distancing was observed.
  • Thank you messages

    Thank you messages
    TVs and notices were set up to thank all members, visitors and partners in helping Keppel Club by going through the screening checks.