Kenneth craik

Kenneth Craik 1914-1945

  • Birth

    Craik was born in Edinburgh, Scotland
  • The Nature of Explanation

    The Nature of Explanation
    In his book, he discussed matters about how the nervous system is capable of creating versions of reality and uses those versions to predict similar events happening in the future. Ways of testing this were discussed, including the discussion and consideration of criticisms. His concept was called "mental models," in which he laid the foundation for in psychology ("About Kenneth Craik: British Psychologist...")
  • Appointed First Director of the Medical Research Council's Cambridge-based Applied Psychology Unit

    Appointed First Director of the Medical Research Council's Cambridge-based Applied Psychology Unit
    During World War II, Craik served in the fire fighting areas of the Civil Defense. With Gordon Butler Iles, he had big accomplishments with flight simulators for the RAF. While doing this, he studied what effects fatigue had on pilots ("About Kenneth Craik: British Psychologist...")
  • Theory of the Human Operator in Control Systems

    Theory of the Human Operator in Control Systems
    This journal is a work in progress draft that Craik wrote that he never got to finish. He discusses the possibility and significance of the creation of mechanical and electrical models that simulate human behavior. In this journal, Craik also talks about physiological and psychological abilities of these same mechanical/electrical beings (Craik).
  • Death

    Craik got hit by a car while riding his bicycle. He was only 31 years old. "About Kenneth Craik: British Psychologist (1914 - 1945) | Biography, Facts, Career, Wiki, Life". Peoplepill, Accessed 24 Sept 2020.
  • "The Nature of Psychology"

    "The Nature of Psychology"
    A collection of Craik's works, created by Stephen Sherwood after Craik passed away. One of Craik's ideas was that the machines of his day share similar functions as human brains. This collection of works also includes a draft for a book, "Mechanism of Human Action" that discusses learning, thinking, decision making, and brain mechanisms. According to the synopsis, it also includes his ideas on measuring perception, sensory physiology and relationships of nervous function to machines (Craik..).