
Kenna's TImeline

  • Send Men To Roanoke Island

    Send Men To Roanoke Island
    Queen Elizabeth allowed Raleigh to send over 100 men from England to Roanoke Island.
  • Transport 100 More People

    Transport 100 More People
    Raleigh was angry about the desertion and decided to hire Simon Fernandez to transport over 100 more people including women and children to start a more permanent settlement close by in Chesapeake Bay.
  • The Lost Colony

    The Lost Colony
    When John white came back to Jamestown nobody was there and the word "CROATOAN" was carved on a near by tree.
  • Men Killed

    Upon Arrival in 1587 the people found out that men in the fort where killed by natives.
  • Men Landed On Virginia James River

    Men Landed On Virginia James River
    A group of over 100 men landed on the banks of Virginia's James River which was not healthy to drink. They were immediately attacked by natives but where determined to stay
  • Captain Smith returned

    Captain Smith returned
    Captain Smith returned to England in 1609.
  • First Elected Assembly

    First Elected Assembly
    1619 was a big year in James town. The first elected assembly was established. It was called the House of Burgesses.
  • Mayflower

    In 1620 the Mayflower came to the new world for religious freedom.
  • The First Thanks Giving

    The First Thanks Giving
    Governor William Bradford held a celebration feast. It was the first Thanksgiving.
  • Gave William Penn Land

    Gave William Penn Land
    King Charles the 2nd Decided to give William Penn land in the new world that was southwest of New Jersey.