
Ken Thompson

  • Birth

    Ken Thompson was born
  • Thompson earned a Bachelor of Science

    Thompson received his BS electrical engineering and computer science from Berkeley.
  • Thompson earned a masters degree

    He received his masters degree in electrical engineering and computer science from Berkeley.
  • Hired by Bell Labs

    Hired by Bell Labs
    The same year Thompson received his masters degree, he was hired by Bell Labs. He later went on to create video game Space Travel with colleague Dennis Ritchie.
  • Coined the phrase UNIX

    Coined the phrase UNIX
    Going off of creating video games, Ken used these tools to created UNIX. The official name was coined suggested by Brian Kernighan.
  • Created programming language B for UNIX

    Created programming language B for UNIX
    Thompson decided that UNIX needed to be an operating system and created programming language B
  • Installs Version 6 UNIX at UC Berkeley

    Thompson briefly left Bell Labs to help UC Berkeley install Version 6 of UNIX.
  • Received the Turing Award

    Received the Turing Award
    Ritchie and Thompson received the Turing award for the development of UNIX
  • Began designing Plan 9

    Began designing Plan 9
    After years of development on UNIX, Thompson began creating Plan 9, a new operating system for Bell Labs.
  • Developed UTF-8

    Developed UTF-8
    Thompson created encoding scheme known as UTF-8. UTF-8 is still used for roughly half of all pages found on the internet.
  • Began to create Inferno

    Began to create Inferno
    Thompson in partnership with colleagues at Bell Labs created the Inferno OS
  • Inducted as Fellow of the Computer History Museum

    Inducted as Fellow of the Computer History Museum
    Ritchie and Tompson were inducted as Fellows of the Computer History Museum due to their creation of UNIX
  • Retired from Bell Labs in late 2000's

    Thompson retires from Bell Labs after roughly 46 years.
  • Began to work for Google

    Ken was hired at google as a Distinguished Engineer.
  • Awarded Japan Prize for Information and Communications

    Awarded Japan Prize for Information and Communications
    Thompson and Dennis Ritchie who helped him create Inferno were awarded the Japan Prize for Information and Communications.