1.1 Entering Adolescents
This is when I realized my body started changing due to puberty. The year 2002 is appropriate because I first got an idea about my identiy and who I would become. Along with the body changes, the mind changes as well my emotions were all over the place. My overall transition to adolescence is consistent with the text. -
2.1- Early Maturer
When I was younger I growth spurt before the other girls and I started to develop before my peers. The book states that girls who start puberty early are more at risk for delinquency,smoking, drinking, depression, eating disorders, dropping out, and marrying early. All of the abve is a negative for me. If I were to have started puberty later, I honestly do not think there would have been a change in my life. I still believe its how a child is raised and how they react to their upbringing. -
7.1- Transition to Middle School
I remember in the fifth grade I had plenty of self esteem then when I moved to the sixth grade I became really aware of myself. I worried what other people thought of me. When i was in the fifth grade I felt like I was the top dog. One of the smartest people in my school, I soon learned that I was not. I struggled with the new teachers and many classes. I believe it took me awhile to adjust to the new found indepence. When I finally became comforatble with it, I was fine. -
4.2 Non Gender-Typed Behavior
I picked aggression for boys, this seemed they obvious choice. Boys that I grew up never got angry. They always managed to keep themselves in check. In my experience, the girls were the ones getting in trouble for fighting more than boys almost 9 times out of 10. (Eagly &Steffan, 1986), their study proved that when verbal anger is shown, its more in girls than boys. But boys I grew up with were more verbal than physical and girls were the opposite. -
3.3 Social Comparison
Growing up, I was always involved in sports and I was good at them too. However, my coaches never saw past my deafness to give me the chance. Since this happened to me, I always compared myself to my peers and their skills at sports. Always tried to figure out what I was doing wrong and how I could gain playing time. Comparing myself was always stressful and sometimes I would see my peers who were not as good as me in sports get more playing time. This is how I compared myself to my peers. -
3.1 Personal Fabel
I cant remember a time when I thought everyone's attention was on me. Growning up I was bullied and an outcast, never thought anyone cared about me. Psycholgical Invulnerability, from my understanding explains me. I was not one to pick on people and I always treated people better than they treated me. For this timeline, I even contacted my mother and see if she can think of a time when I imaginaged an audiance and she couldnt think of any. She actually said that I was opposite. -
6.3- Companionship
In HS, there was this girl that lived close to me so we rode the same bus. We also had the same classes and played the same sports. we were not best friends but when we had the chance we would talk forever and enjoy each others company. If we ever thought each other was lonely, we would go out of our way so we wouldnt feel like that. -
6.1- Parent Adolescent Conflict
When I reached my adolescent period, I was a typical teenager. I did not participate in risk taking behavior, not saying I was perfect but other adolescents were worst than me. However, in High School three girls from my Basketball team got drunk during the summer and two of them died, this impacted me tremedously. I did not know how to respond to girls my age dying. This is when my conflicts with my parents got severe and I had to go to therapy to learn how to communicate what I was feeling -
8.1- Rite of Passage
For my family as a typical white American family, our adulthood is not celebrated by a ceremony like some cultures. For me personally, my rite of passage was when I turned 16 and I finally got my drivers license. When a young adult gets their license, we are expected to follow laws and to keep the roads safe. Meaning the with a drivers license comes responsibility. If one cannot maintain our responsibility, we will no longer be able to drive. This was my rite to passage to prove I am an Adult -
2.2 Niche-picking
I picked this date because this is when I first visited a Deaf school and then I transfered for my senior year of High School. I picked this because after my life changed, all I wanted to do was get more involuved in the Deaf community, it became my interest. This is my Active Genotype-Environment Correlation. I am also the only member of my family or people that I grew up with that experience this, this means it is a Nonshared Environmental Experience. -
7.3- Intrinsic Motivation
This is the day I first visited a Deaf school for my ASL class. This field trip sparked a curiosity fire within me. I learned about Deaf culture and I did all this learning through a langauage that was not my own. I have only been signing for a few months and to be able to communicate with people who grew up differently than me but we were the same. My motivation to learn as much as I can becuase I learned that if I communicated this way, my life would be made easier. -
4.1 Gender-Type Behavior
Girls view themselve as having Prosocial Behavior (Eisenberg, Spinrad, & Morris, 2013) Girls more than boys are more considerate about their behavior. For me personally, I seem to be thinking about how other people will feel if I say or do something rather then how I feel. This makes me an empathic person. Im not perfect but I try my best be nice to every one and show them love and kindness. -
1.2 Emerging Adulthood
This is the time period when I realized that not all people are the same. I was also able to control myself around people who were rude persay. I realization that people had different experiences like poverty, sexulaity confusion or grief early in their lives. I learned that people have obligations and responsiblities they have to adhear by. This is also the time when I craved my idependence, to be my own person. My transition from adolescense to adulthood is consistant with the text. -
3.2- Self-Protection
I always thought I was ugly because I never fit in with my peers. They always made fun of me because I was different. Then when I met people who were my age, they thought I was the prettiest girl in the area. I also thought I was not smart. I was in the resource room for students with learning disablities. Then when I went to a different school, my life changed completely. Instead of having a nevative mindset, it became positive. -
6.2- Ego Support
My best friend from my Deaf school, Kayla, we both played sports and were always together. We would feedback each other and encourage each other to do well. We had issues in sports sometimes because we both are competitive but in the end we were good Companions. Especially for the long bus trips we took. -
7.2 Transistion to College
When I first went to college, I felt on top of the world! I enjoied every moment of my first two weeks of orientation. Then the actual college courses started and I didnt enjoy it as much. The amoutnt of stress I experienced was unreal but then I got used to it. One thing I noticed about my University was the huge population of people of color. The diversitiy went beyond anything I have experienced before. I grew up in a small town predominatly white and mexican, so this was different.