When Kaylee Morres was born
10 billion years ago.....in a land far, far away.....Haha just kidding i was born like 14 years ago on February 13 -
Getting a new family member
My brother Jaiden Alexander Morres was born! Hes annoying but i love him! -
Beginning a sport
I joined my friends Basketball team in September and it turned out to be really fun!!!!!!!!!! -
Visiting someone important to you
My uncle came to visit and i see him every other year and I MISS HIM BECAUSE HE'S ALREADY GONE :( -
Overcoming a difficult situation
When my dad kinda went on a rampage......It sucked but he calmed down. -
Moving living spaces
I used to live SUPER close to Shuksan, but then i moved way far away by sunset....and if i tried to walk, it would take at least 3 hours to get to Shuksan. -
Taking a trip somewhere
I went to a family reunion and the trip was 3 HOURS WITH MY COUSIN, BROTHER, AND UNCLE. They are all men. And they like to fart. -
Meeting your best friend
I met Madi Kaatz,,,,, i guessed on the date....and i dont know exactly what happened....but were like sisters and we love each other :)