Kaylee and Jocelyn History of Computers

By troutj
  • Period: to

    Computer HIstory

    This is a timeline of the history of computers for school.
  • G. N. Lewis starts to make the first lithium battery.

    G. N. Lewis starts to make the first lithium battery.
  • Jack St. Clair Kilby was born (Nobel Prize winner, inventor of the Integrated Circuit and handheld calculator and thermal printer)

    Jack St. Clair Kilby was born (Nobel Prize winner, inventor of the Integrated Circuit and handheld calculator and thermal printer)
  • Alex Reeves creates PCM

    Alex Reeves creates PCM
  • George Stibitz completes the complex number calculator

    George Stibitz completes the complex number calculator
  • John Atanasoff successfully tests the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) which was the first computer to use regenerative capacitor drum memory

    John Atanasoff successfully tests the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) which was the first computer to use regenerative capacitor drum memory
  • ENIAC computer is completed.

    ENIAC computer is completed.
  • Andrew Donald Boothh creates the magnetic drum memory.

    Andrew Donald Boothh creates the magnetic drum memory.
  • Manchester Mark 1 becomes operational (the first computer that could have a stored program

    Manchester Mark 1 becomes operational (the first computer that could have a stored program
  • First electronic computer in Japan by Hideo Jamachito.

    First electronic computer in Japan by Hideo Jamachito.
  • The first integrated circuit was created by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby

    The first integrated circuit was created by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby
  • J.C.R Licklider gives his vision of galactic network

    J.C.R Licklider gives his vision of galactic network
  • IBM creates the first floppy disk.

    IBM creates the first floppy disk.
  • UCLA introduces the public to the internet on July 3.

    Couldn't find picture... :(
  • The first email is sent

    The first email is sent
  • Bill Gates and Paul Allen develop Microsoft.

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen develop Microsoft.
  • CompuServe becomes the first commercial online service offering dial-up connection to anyone September 24.

    CompuServe becomes the first commercial online service offering dial-up connection to anyone September 24.
  • Apple realses the Lisa computer, the first computer with a GUI

    Apple realses the Lisa computer, the first computer with a GUI
  • The first Internet domain name symbolics.com is registered by Symbolics

    The first Internet domain name symbolics.com is registered by Symbolics
  • IBM PC Division announces it's first laptop computer, the PC Convertible

    IBM PC Division announces it's first laptop computer, the PC Convertible
  • Windows 3.1 is introduced.

    Windows 3.1 is introduced.
  • Microsoft Windows XP home and professional editions are released

    Microsoft Windows XP home and professional editions are released
  • Google announces Gmail

    Google announces Gmail
  • Apple introduces the iPhone to the public

    Apple introduces the iPhone to the public
  • Apple introduces the iPad

    Apple introduces the iPad
  • The first Chromebooks with Chrome OS begin shipping

    The first Chromebooks with Chrome OS begin shipping