Kayla's Civil War Timeline

  • Period: to

    The Civil War

    Timespan for the Civil War Timspan
  • Abraham Lincocln elceted as President

    Location: U.S.
    Significance: He helped end slavery. When Lincoln was elected he had no votes fom the south. The Southerners believed that since he hd been elected that they had lost their influence in the government, and decided to secede in oreder to defend their way of life. Source
  • The Confederacy of the United States is Formed

    Location: South
    Significance: Sevene states secede from the Union to form the Confederacy.
  • Fort Sumter

    Who Won? Confederate
    Significance: This battle was the opening engaement of the American Civil War.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    Location: Virgina
    Who Won? Confederate
    How Long? One day
  • Fort Henry Battle

    Location: Stewart County and Henry County, Tennesee and Calloway County in Kentucky
    Who Won? Union
    Significance: Highways opened for troops and material.
  • Battle of Fort Donelson

    Location: Stewart County
    Who Won? Union
    Length? Six Days
    Significance: Major victory for Ulysses S. Grant
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Location: Hardin County
    Who Won? Union
    Length? Two days
    Significance: The victory of the Union gave Tennessee
  • Battle of Antietam

    Location: Washington County
    Who Won? Union
    Legnth? Three days
    It was the bloodiest day in the American History
  • Second Bull Run Battle

    Location: Prince William County
    Who Won? Confederate
    Length? 3 days
    Significance: It was the deciding war of the Civil War campaign
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Location: Soptsylvania County and Fredricksburg
    Who Won? Confederate
    Length? 5 days
  • The Emancipation Proclamation Signed

    Location: Washington DC
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Location: Spotsylvania County
    Who Won? Confederate
    Legnth? One Month
    Significance: Genuis of Comander Lee
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Location: Mississppi
    Who Won? 2 Months
    Significance: The confederate was split in half.
  • Battle of Fort Wagner

    Location: South Carolina
    Who Won? Confederate
    Length? One day
    African American men began their assult.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Location: Tenessee
    Who Won? Union
    Legnth? One day
    Significance: The Union moved further South
  • Gettysburg Address

    Location: Pennsylvania
    Significance: It gave humans equality.
  • Battle of Spotslyvania

    Location: Virgina
    Who Won? Inconclusive
    Length? 14 days
    Significance: Grant got the nickname "Butcher Grant"
  • Battle of Cold Harbor

    Location: Confederate
    Who Won? Virgina
    How Long it Lasted? One month
    Significance: Last victory that the confederate had
  • The Re-election of Abraham Lincoln

    Location: U.S. Significance: He was a beloved president. He wasn't close to loosing the second election. Source
  • Sherman's March on the Sea

    Location: Atlanta
    Who Won? Union
    Legnth: 2 months
    It was supposed to draw men away from Virgina
  • Sailor's Creek Battle

    Location: Georgia
    Who Won? Union
    Significance: Stated the date of the end battle
  • Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

    Location: Virgina
  • The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Location: Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C.
    Significance: Source