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Kayla Roths Nine Month TimeLine

  • Day 1

    Day 1
    A day after fertilization the egg finds the uterus. http://www.babymed.com/pregnancy-symptoms/positive-pregnancy-test-no-symptoms
  • Week 11

    Week 11
    Kicking and pushing out legs the more fetus move the more of a reflex it has. Your baby's toes and fingers have seperated, the whole body but the tounge is sensitive to touch. www.babyworld.com
  • Week 1

    Week 1
    The egg and sperm meet the fallopian tubes www.womenworld.org/health/pregnancy
  • Week 2

    Week 2
    The baby begins to form one fertilized egg to a cell that had start to divide www.baby2see.com
  • Week 3

    Week 3
    The cell now contains genetic DNA necessary to become a child. The cells continue to divide. www.baby2see.com
  • Week 4

    Week 4
    1 and 1/10 is how large you baby has grown, it is no larger than a kidney bean, You start to have a funny taste in your mouth and you have tenderness in your breast. www.baby2see.com
  • Week 5

    Week 5
    Your amniotic fluid has built up, your baby is 2 millimeters now. The plucenta starts to develope. www.baby2see.com
  • Week 6

    Week 6
    Your baby is almost an inch long. He/She had developed glassey eyes but no eye-lids. www.babyworld.com
  • Week 7

    Week 7
    The embryos heart has developed and has started beating in its chamber. Limbs are starting to grow as well as a jaw. www.baby2see.com
  • Week 8

    Week 8
    Your baby has started to function more and move around, mothers can not feel this movement though. Your stomach has started to develope into a little gut. www.babyworld.com
  • Week 9

    Week 9
    Nervous system is being built up, the whole body can now twich. Your baby's fingers and toes have now formed, the tounge begins to develope also. www.baby2see.com
  • Week 10

    Week 10
    You get the ultra sound that establishes your due date. Your babys neck has taken shape in this week, nipples and hair folicals are visible. www.baby2see.com
  • Week 11

    Week 11
    Kicking and pushing out the legs, the more the fetus moves the better the reflexes it has. The baby can feel all over it's body besides the tounge. www.babyworld.com
  • Week 12

    Week 12
    This is your second trimester. Your baby's nervous system is far less delicate than before, the bones are harding, the eyes grow closer together. The nervous system goes to the brain and most of the body. www.baby2see.com
  • Week 13

    Week 13
    The baby is more flexiable now, the movements can be measured. Your baby can learn to suck it's thumb, your child can open and close it's own mouth. www.babyworld.com
  • Week 14

    Week 14
    Your baby is 3 and a half inches long, your baby's kidneys are producing urine. Your baby is becoming more flexible day by day now www.baby2see.com
  • 2nd Trimester 4-6 months

    2nd Trimester 4-6 months
    Your fetus had deveolped taste buds, Your baby knows movements now, kicking, moving hands and feet. Your baby Grows up to three inchs and a half. Week 16 your baby starts to accumulate fat under the baby's skin. Your baby can ear within the 18th week of your pregnancy. In week 19 your babys genitals are now reconizable. At 20 weeks the mother can feel the babys movements, the baby gets fingers and toe nails. Bone marrow blood cells and babys eyes open now
  • Week 27,28,29,30 MONTH 7

    Week 27,28,29,30 MONTH 7
    Week 27 the baby weighs 2 lbs. Week 28 baby had deveopled its own sleep schedule. Week 29 your babys muscles and lungs begin to mature, baby begins to hear things better from vibrations, head is growing bigger also. Week 30 your baby weighs about 3 pounds now.
  • Birth Defects

    Drinking large amonts of alcohol can cause teh fetal birth defects such as mental retardation. This can also cause heart problems and growth problems as well. Cleft lip and palate can be caused by drug users and could just happen to your baby. Rubella can be caused by crack cocaine as well. www.baby2see.com
  • Month 8 week 29-28

    Month 8  week 29-28
    The mothers body is more plump, and the lanungo hairs that once covered it are almost all gone. The baby can grasp firmly with their own hands. www.itsallaboutlove.org
  • Month 9

    Month 9
    At the end of the 40 weeks your baby weighs about 7.5. Your baby is practically ready to be born, your baby is around 14-15 inchs long now. www.itsallaboutlove.org