Kayla Giovanni!(: 8B

By mmstech
  • Camp algonquin

    we went on a field trip to camp algonquinand did lots of team building activities.
  • First day of school at MMS!

    I was a little nervous just like everybody else but not completly terrified. I was so excited to start my three years here at MMS! At first i was intimidated by how big and confusing i thought the school was. But after the first week I learned it's just a big circle.
  • 6th grade Solo and Ensamble!

    My first ever solo and ensamble contest I did a solo and I was nervous but not as much as I thought I would be. I practiced alot! It payed off because I got a 1 rating!
  • Chicago field trip

    We took a field trip down to Chicago to go to the Field Museum and the Shedd Aquarium.
  • Bridge project

    We had to build bridges out of tooth picks then we presented them in front of everyone in 6th grade to see how much weight it could hold.
  • First day of 7th grade!

    I knew 7th grade was going to be an interesting year.
  • Solo & Ensamble

    I'll never forget my quortet/trio and all the hard work we did to recieve a 1 rating at Solo and Ensamble contest.
  • R.I.P Greg Henry

    For solo and ensamble contest I was in a trio with Hannah Zancho and Greg Henry. The day before solo and ensamble Greg went into the hospital so Hannah and I had to perform with out him. We recieved a 1 but it wasn't the same with out our third player. That night i worried and worried. The next day Greg Henry was dead. It was so hard on everyone.
  • Music in the Parks!

    Music in the parks is a contest for bands and choirs. The jazz band went and performed at Mckinley Middle School then we headed to Gurnee mills for lunch. then we spent the rest of the day at Six flags! The jazz band last year kinda became like a family to me so it was so much being at six flags with them! I'll never forget it.
  • First day of 8th Grade!

    I was so excited to start my last year here at Mchenry Middle School. I knew there would be alot more exciting things happening this year.
  • Cheerleading tryouts!

    I was trying out for the cheerleading and was so excited! I was confident until the actual tryout... But The season turned out to be amazing! It was alot of fun cheering for the basketball boys.
  • Science fair

    There was so much work involved in our science projects! It was kinda fun too. The science fair was when we could show it all off.
  • 8th grade dinner dance

    of course I had been looking forward to this for all 3 years of middle school and it was definetly the best night I had throughout my middle school life.
  • Graduation

    This will be our very last day here at MMS!