Kayden Sherwood Rise of Progressivism Timeline April 29

  • Period: to

    Political Boss William Tweed led a ring of corruption, defrauding New York City of more than 100 million dollars.

  • Mark Twain wrote The Gilded Age. The Novel captured the era's greed and political corruption.

  • James Garfield won the presidency. He thought that government jobs should be awarded on basis of merits.

  • President Garfield is assassinated. Chester A. Arthur serves as the new president.

  • Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act. It barred Chinese immigration for ten years.

  • Pendleton Act is passed. It created the Civil Service Commission to conduct exams for federal jobs.

  • Sherman Antitrust Act is passed.The act prohibited businesses from trying to limit or destroy competition.

  • Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle. It portrayed the the horrid working conditions and unsanitary practices of meatpackers.

  • Congress approved the 16th Amendment. It allowed Congress to pass an income tax.

  • Congress approved the 17th Amendment. It allowed voters to elect senators directly. With it, Progressives wanted to put an end to the corruption of the period