Seneca Falls Convention
Period: to
Peak Power of Tammany Hall Ring
Period: to
Presidency of Abraham Lincoln
Period: to
Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation
Period: to
Period: to
Public Education enacted through all states
Period: to
Presidency of Andrew Johnson
Das Kapital Published
Period: to
Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant
Battle of Little Bighorn
Great Strike of 1877
Period: to
Jim Crow Era
Period: to
Presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes
Period: to
Presidency of James Garfield
Period: to
Presidency of Chester A. Arthur
Chinese Exclusion Act Begins
Joseph Pulitzer builds the New York newspaper
Pendleton Civil Service Act passed
Period: to
Presidency of Grover Cleveland
Haymarket Affair
NAWSA founded
Sherman Anti-Trust Act passed
Homestead Strike
Economic Panic of 1893
Period: to
Presidency of Grover Cleveland pt 2
William Randolph Heart begins buying up newspapers
Period: to
Presidency of William McKinley
Period: to
Presidency of William McKinley
Period: to
Carrie Nations's Hatchitations
Period: to
Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt
1902 Coal Strike
IWW Founded
Gentleman's Agreement
Employer's Liability Acts
Pure Food and Drug Act
The Jungle Published
Meat Inspection Act
Period: to
Great White Fleet
Employer's Liability Act
Muller v. Oregon
NAACP founded
Period: to
Presidency of William H. Taft
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Period: to
Bull Moose/Progressive active
Period: to
Presidency of Woodrow Wilson
17th Amendment Ratified
Federal Reserve created
Henry Ford pays workers $5/day
Clayton Antitrust Act
Federal Trade Commission created
Keating-Owen Act
Bunting v. Oregon
Ratification of the 18th Amendment
Ratification of the 19th Amendment