Katie Keller

By kellerk
  • Started at Shawnee State University

    This was my freshmen year when I had decided to go into pre med at Shawnee.
  • Changed my major

    I changed my major from pre med to teaching math and science grades 4-9.
  • Gained a step mom

    My parents divorced when I was 10 and have since moved on. I have gained a much larger family and many more people who care about me and my well being.
  • Moved away from home

    My parents kept telling me I couldn't make any of my decisions because I lived under their roof. So I took the biggest step I have had to do since starting college and moved out. It is definitely a change, but with time I have gotten use to it and have grown up pretty fast since then.
  • Totaled my first car

    I was on my way to class in the early morning. I saw people on the side of the highway trying to gather loose cattle. The car in front of me had come to a quick stop while I was looking at a cow that was about to cross the highway, when I looked back and tried to stop my brakes locked up and I ended up hitting them in the rear. It all happened so fast but my car was totaled and I ended up with a pretty good concussion.
  • Began EDRE 2204

    I hope to learn more about online courses ( this is my first). I also am reading to learn more about how to teach phonics and understand deeper just what phonics is.