Period: to
Work Experience
I started working at London gymnastics Acamdamy. Im teaching gymnastics and cheer to children ages 2-13. -
Got the perfect attendence award at Parkside for first semester. -
Volenteer Work Completed
I completed my 40 vollenteer hours to graduate highschool. I still am vollenteering and getting the most hours I can. -
Reseme Created
I created my reseme and will start appling for jobs. -
Job Interveiw
I would like to have a job interveiw at max a month from now. -
Work Experience
I hope to have another job that I can continue to work at until I find a higher paying job, a job that gives you more hours, or after my post secondary school education. -
Buy First Car
I plan on buying a car in 2017 when I get my G2. This car would would last me a though post-secondary school until I have the money to upgrade or until the car fails to work. I want to get a cheverlet truck that is either blue or black -
Certifications Earned
Recieve my Life Guarding certification. -
Move out of Gardians House
I plan on moving out when im 18. Me and my friend are moving in together until we buy a small house or an apartment. -
Highschool Graduation
I plan on graduating highschool in 2017 but i plan on doing a victory lap. I plan on doing a victory lap to up my grades on certain subjects and to take time to plan for university. -
Post Secondary School
I plan on attending post secondary school at Fanshawe Collage. I would study dental hygiene. i also plan on staying in residence. -
Completion of post secondary school
I plan on graduating and starting a career in denatl hygiene. -
Start of Career
I would like to start a career in dental hygiene. I would like to work in St.thomas so I dont have to travel alot to get into work. -
Rent an Apartment/ Buy a house
I plan on buying a small house or an apartment with my friend. We plan on living in the country if we get a house or in st.thomas if we get an apartment. -
Life change
I plan on getting married in 2021 and starting a family.