My mother abused me physically as a baby. The court decided to place me in the custody of my dad. However because of his work schedule I lived with my grandparents. -
Family Fighting
In the time I lived with my grandparents they grew attached to me and as a result they wouldn't let me live with my dad when his work changed and got better hours. They and my new step mom fought head to toe for years to get me to stay with my parents instead of my grandparents. One day in June, My dad brought me down to his and m new moms house to stay for two weeks. It turns out he went to get all my stuff from my grandparents house. He had moved me into his house. -
Momma Drama
My step mom thought that my bio mom had changed and encouraged the both of us to start another relationship. For four years it went off and on, abandoning me again and again with no room for hope left. Finally when we moved to Florida she came down to visit me for a week. She left on worse terms, breaking my heart again. I never got an explanation as of why she treated me the way she did, nor an apology. I have major trust issues now, and my step mom feels guilty for bringing up the idea of it. -
Suicides and Depression
While in Florida, I gained a few friends who had a lot of problems, not naming any names. He self harmed a lot, and since he was a close friend I did my best to help him to talk and open up. Weeks after learning about it, he called me with a weak voice explaining he had overdosed in the middle of a park away from home. He was rushed to the hospital and received help, he's alive. But I blamed myself for not doing more to help him. Every time I saw him after, I bawled my eyes out. -
Moving back to AR
5 Months after that, my mom had a car wreck. She exclaimed that she wanted to move back to AR where our family was. So we did. In the process I dropped a lot of friends and a lot of toxic relationships. Im happier these days. Damaged but happier. I have a great sense of humor to get me through the bad times now, and I have an excellent relationship with my step mom. Unfortunately my empathy is down and I have deep trust issues that hurt relationships. But that's life.