Karen Ximena Maldonado Tobar

  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement on the James River. People from England or other side of the ocean crossed the whole ocean to look for gold and other natural resources. They had a lot of challenges because they faced hunger and illness caused by drinking contaminated water, they also found new people that lived in the "New World" as they call it and some of them died since they brought sickness to America. So Jamestown was just the first settlement they found in the U.S
  • First African Slave arrives to Virginia

    First African Slave arrives to Virginia
    The first African slave was brought to Virginia on 1619. After being taken captive, they were purchased by the colonist when they arrive to Virginia a British area two and a half centuries of slavery in North American began with the arrival of the Africans who were brought into slavery in the new world , then more and more Africans were brought to the new world and were treated as slaves.
  • The Pilgrims on the Mayflower

    The Pilgrims on the Mayflower
    The Mayflower was a boat that shipped from Plymouth and carried 102 passengers that wanted to start a new life in the "New World" they had many challenges because almost half of them died onboard, they had to learn to survive in the new world with techniques native Americans taught them, And then they celebrated thanksgiving on the 4th Thursday of November celebrating their first successful harvest.
  • The Stono Rebellion

    The Stono Rebellion
    It was when slaves rebelled against the soldiers and American government, about twenty slaves worked at the Stono river bridge and decided to make groups to rebel so they walked to the warehouse and killed 2 soldiers and then took gunpowder, ammo and firearms, then they walked to Florida chanting "Liberty." they set fire to buildings and more people joined some were forced to join trying to gain their freedom, some of them died. Then they had limitations and couldn't learn how to read or write.
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    French Indian War

    It was a war that lasted 7 years and it was a conflict between France and Britain. During 1754 and 1755 the French won a string of victories defeating the British over the territory of America. Then they signed the Treaty of Paris to stop the war, but then the British had a big debt so made the stamp act to pay off the debt but that also led to the American Revolution.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    The sugar act was a trade of sugar and molasses from French and Dutch to raise more money to finance the expanded duties of the British Empire after the French and Indian War
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was the first internal tax directly on American colonist by the British government, they created that to pay off a debt they had due to the Seven Year's War (French Indian War) but the colonist rebelled because they didn't wanted to pay extra for everything they bought.
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    American Revolution

    The American Revolution was caused by the British to impose greater control over the colonies and make them repay for the debt they had on the French Indian War, and it ended on 1783 with the signing of the treaty of Paris
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was when 342 chests of tea that belonged to the British were thrown to the sea by American Patriots dressed as Mohawks Indians. The Americans were showing their anger to the taxation, the British removed the taxes but made the tea tax to pay all the tea that was wasted which was 1.2 million pounds.
  • The Lexington and Concord

    The Lexington and Concord
    The battles of Lexington and Concord fought on April 19, 1775, because the Americans and British build tension so then hundreds of soldiers marched to Concord and soon, they were under intense fire so then it was when more battles started and then the colonist won their independence on 1783
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    It was the first formal statement that declared the American Independence
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    Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of confederation are the first written constitution of the United States, under these articles the states remained sovereign and independent. They were stronger laws for the United States. Benjamin Franklin wrote the first ones and then more states. Then they realized the articles weren't strong enough, so they made the three branches of government the executive, legislative and judiciary that made sure the laws were fair, the other one made them, and the other one carries out laws.
  • Battle of Princeton

    Battle of Princeton
    The Battle of Princeton were multiple battles against the British where George Washington won all of them from December 26 to January 2
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    The Constitution are the rights that are given to a person, like the Bill of Rights that guarantee peoples individual rights/protection the Bill of Rights became part of the Constitution in 1791. Americans needed a stronger government so that's why they agreed on it and the Constitution was signed.
  • First U.S Bank Chartered

    First U.S Bank Chartered
    The first U.S bank was made on February 25, 1791. The first bank was the only thing that took taxes for the U.S. After the bank was expired Stephen Giradd bought the building and opened another one, following the war of 1812 the second bank opened to help deal with government financial issues.