My Birth
Born to Terry and Carol Fassbender -
Got Family Dog "Skipper"
1st Brother's Birth
My first brother is born! -
Started Kindergarden
2nd Brother's Birth
Second brother is born! -
Started Grade School at Laurel Grade School
Started 4th Grade at Wasco Grade School
Graduated Wasco Grade School as Valedictorian
Started Sherman County Union High School
Started Dating Boys
Dated Ernie and Wes. This marked the beginning of all of my bad choice making in my life concerning men and my family. -
Dated Steve Orendorff
A bad boy that my parents didn't like. He was manipulative and controlling but I defended him thinking I knew more than my parents. Boy was I wrong!!! -
Sent to Live with Grandparents
To get me away from my boyfriend, Mom and Dad sent me to live with my grandparents in Junction City (far away from Wasco) whom I adored. -
Came Back Home
Came to live back home with the understanding that I was NOT to see Steve Orendorff ever again. -
Graduated High School
Was unsure if I would eer make it to this day with all the drama of Steve in my life! -
Started College at WOSC
Was so happy to be away from Steve and my parents! Wanted a fresh start! -
Pregnant with my 1st Son
Was invited to a party and a good-looking guy was interested in me! My ex-boyfriend Steve told me I would NEVER get anyone again because I was too fat and ugly. I thought I would prove him wrong so I slept with this man and ended up pregnant by mistake. This "mistake" ended up being my saving grace! -
Gave Birth to 1st Son, Tony!
Tony almost died due to a traumatic birthing process but with the help of his pediatrician and some VERY dedicated nurses, he pulled through. (He was given a 10% chance to live.) We stayed in the hospital for a week and then we were released to go home and we lived with my mom and dad. Tony's father was never present nor wanted anything to do with us even to this date. -
Started Communtity College at CGCC
I was determined to get my degree in elementary education! -
Dated Jimmie Carroll
Returned to WOSC
Moved to Salem with new boyfriend and my infant son to go back to Western Oregon Stete College. -
Quit College and Moved Home
Found out that my boyfriend had been abusing my son so my dad and youngest brother moved me from my apartment in Salem back to Mom and Dad's home in Wasco. -
Met my Future Husband, David
David followed me home from work one night and we ended up talking and becoming fast friends. We soon started dating against his family's wishes. (They didn't like me.) -
Got Accounting Job at Rich & Rhine
My first decent job with benifits and good hourly pay of $8.50/hour -
Married David
Wedding Day! Originally planned for May 16th to avoid Mother's Day weekend, but Father Joe had a wedding on the books for over a year for that date so we moved it up. Needed to get married before David entered college so as to obtain student loans without his parent's co-signing on the loans. -
Husband Starts College
David Attended ITT Tech to get his associates in electronincs and communication engineering technologies. -
Became Pregnant with my 2nd Son!
Sometime in October I got pregnant with Brian after trying since February! What is it about October and me getting pregnant?!?! -
Birth of 2nd Son, Brian!
Bought First Home
We began moving into our first home together at 10:30PM because we could not wait to get started in our new home! The excitement of our first home! And a big home to boot! -
Husband Goes Back to College
David returns to ITT Tech to get his bachelor's degree for a job promotion at InFocus. -
Got Rudolph and Riddick
Bought Rudolph and Riddick for the boys (well, really for me!) for Christmas. -
Quit Rich & Rhine
Quite Rich & Rhine to stay at home and raise my two sons who were going to be a kindergardener and freshman. -
Sons enter Kindergarden and High School the Same Year
My oldest son enters High School and my youngest son starts Kindergarden! -
Started to Volunteer at Brian's School
Couldn't sit around the house and be a stay-at-home-mom without having something to do! Started to volunteer in Brian's kindergarden class. -
Husband Cheats on Me.
David cheated on me with a prostitute while in China on a business trip sometime around Easter. -
Husband Graduates with Bachelor's Degree
Sometime in late 2006 (maybe Novemer?) David graduated with honors and got his bachelor's degree. -
Get a Job at the School!
After two years of vounteering and being a substitute educational assistant, I hired on permanently as an educational assistant in the Behavior Support Room at Harold Oliver Intermediate (HOI). This renewed my passion for teaching!!! -
Grandpa Dies
All of us were there as Grandpa passed away at 6:07 Saturday morning. I was stroking his forehead as he quietly went to heaven. I now realized that this great man is indeed mortal. The realization that I have limited time left with m grandmother dawns on me. She is old and mortal as well! -
Tony Graduates High School
My baby boy graduated high school! -
Tony Ships off to the ARMY
My baby boy is now shipped off to basic training to become an interrogator for the US ARMY! So scared and proud of him! -
Start Seeing Psychologist
I knew something wasn't right with my depression so I went to the doctor again. She referred me to see a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with bi-polar disorder instead of depression. My medications radically changed and I started feeling like I was on top of the world. I was on a "high" due to the changes in meds I believe. -
Husband Wants to have Another Baby!
For my 28th birthday present, David asked me to have another baby! I said "OF COURSE!!!!" -
I Cheated on my Husband
Cheated on my husband with an ex-boyfriend and also with a football coach of David's in the same weekend. -
David Confronts me About Cheating on Him.
David confronted me about cheating on him after he went into my e-mail and phone and found evidence of my 2 one-night-stands. He was VERY angry and thought about divorcing me but instead, decided to go to marriage counseling and see if we could work through this. -
I Went Back to College!
I returned to college at Warner Pacific to finish my degree in elementary education. -
David Wants a Divorce
David woke me up at around 1:30PM (I was sleeping in really late due to my worsening depression) and told me that he wanted a divorce. He was no longer in love with me. -
Stopped Wearing my Wedding Ring
David had not worn his wedding ring since October of 2012. After he asked for a divorce, I still wore mine until he hurt my feelings so bad with some of his actions that I took it off and haven't put it back on since. -
David and I go to mediation for our divorce today. We will see how it goes. Wish me luck!