Tony's Birth
When my first son was born, it was a difficult delivery and his head was stuck in the birth canal for about two hours. Due to this trauma, he was in great distress, and once born was given only a 10% chance of survival. I prayed for a miracle. The doctors worked feverishly for hours to revive his lifeless little body and get him to respond to any stimulus. Finally, Tony responded, only through the grace of God! -
The First "Nudge"
When I was about thirty years of age, I felt a great calling from God to research more of my Catholic faith in order to better understand the deep, rich treasures that our faith holds. I began by reading the Bible, but that soon became intimidating. The vastness and all of its complexities were overwhelming and I soon abandonded reading the rest of the Bible. However, the "nudge" that God gave me kept comming back time and time again, but I refuted it claiming I was too uneducated to grasp it -
Grandpa's Death
I was stroking Grandpa's forhead with my thumb as he passed away that cold, dreary morning at 6:07AM. I noticed how he had suffered for the past day in confusion and pain, but as he transitioned into Heaven, he was at peace and resting. His body had given up, but I doubt that his spirit and love for life had. A that moment, I knew that no matter what suffering this earth could bring, God could take it away in an instant. I felt God's warm love cover me like a cloak and was comforted. -
The Second "Nudge"
Once I turned forty, God nudged me agian and gave my heart a yearning to learn more about the Bible and my Catholic faith. I have become ten years wiser since the last "nudge" that God gave me and decided to obtain a Catholic study guide to the Bible. Since I turned forty, I have questioned my grandmother endlessly about Catholism and have read many books on Christianity. I hope to one day teach about Cristianity and the Catholic faith to those who ae looking for guidance from God.