Kara's Timeline

  • Birthday!

    This is the day I was born. My parents, Jennifer and Eric had me on March 20, 1999. I was born into a non-wealthy, but happy family and my parents loved having me, especially my dad. He was the one who always made me happy.
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    Kara's Life

  • Firsty day of kindergarten!

    My first day of kindergarten! I was so excited especially because I had always seen my neighbors going out to school on the first day, wearing pretty dresses. I was always so jealous and I had always asked when I could- too go to school. I always had asked if my parents could buy me dresses, but they'd always say that they would save up and buy one for me the day before school started. That was one of the best sentences I'd ever heard.
  • My first friend~

    After a couple weeks of kindergarten, I had finally adjusted and made a new best friend! Her name is Meg. We would always sit together during circle time, sleep next to each other during nap time, eat together during lunch, as well as play with each other during recess.
  • My first birthday party!

    This was my first birthday party! I turned 5 and invited my best friend as well as some other close friends who lived close by. We had gotten a dress, tiara, wand, and we got our hair, makeup, and nails done. We also had people come and take our photos for memory. I had a great time and it was the time of my life! Ienjoyed it so much!
  • First day of Middle School!

    My first day of Middle school! I was super excited to be entering 6th grade. However, I knew my family was in need right now becuase of my dad's bad habits of not investing in anything. I barely got to go back-to-school shopping for supplies as well as clothing. I was a little dissappointed, but still statisfied that I was starting Middle School.
  • Dad's death..

    This is the day my dad died. It was a rainy day, my dad was going to the airport late in the night. I don't know why, but I had a weird feeling that night and I couldn't sleep. At three in the morning, we got a phone call from the police.
    "Is this the Kim family?"
    "Yes.." my mom answered.
    "Your husband has been in an accident. We're taking him to the hospital right now, but I'm not sure how long he'll last. It's pretty severe."
    "Oh my god...We'll be right over."
  • Dad's death...

    And that night, at the hospital, was the last time I saw my dad. He was laying there, with a bandaged head, a broken leg, a cone on his neck, and blood all over his face.
    It was the worst feeling I've ever had.
    My dad was the only one in our family that didn't invest in anything. We had nothing left. Although we were okay before, sometimes, we were scraping out the rest of our money to go on. Now, we had nothing. My mom turned into an alchoholic, and my world shattered.