baby at 4 weeks
Hopefully, while 4 weeks pregnant, you are in the know. It’s official, you have entered into the world of pregnancy. Whether you took a home pregnancy test or received confirmation from a doctor, your new reality may be slowly but surely sinking in. Or maybe it has hit you like a ton of bricks with some major pregnancy symptoms. It all may feel very surreal. Maybe you’ve found yourself staring at your face in the mirror practicing telling your friends and family (or your partner!): “I’m pregnant -
Baby at 8 weeks
While 8 weeks pregnant, quite possibly one of the most adorable parts of your newborn baby(who right now is about the size of a kidney bean) are beginning to form – fingers and toes. All together now….awwwww! Before you know it, your pregnancy will be over, being 8 weeks pregnant will be a distant memory, and you’ll be in the delivery room counting those tiny fingers and tiny toes. A little lower on the cute scale – did you know that your baby has a tail? That’s right, at 8 weeks, your baby’s “t -
Baby at 12 weeks
You’re 12 weeks pregnant this week, which means that the tangerine sized baby growing inside of you is getting ready to be the smartest kid on the block! At this point in your pregnancy, your baby’s brain is developing rapidly, becoming more and more complex every day. Because of this, your baby now has reflexes! Now a squirmy little guy or gal, while 12 weeks pregnant, your baby can do all sorts of movements it couldn’t do before, like clench its fists and curl its toes. Your baby can and will -
baby at 16 weeks
You’re 16 weeks pregnant and by now you’re starting to really feel pregnant! At 16 weeks your baby is about the size of a pear. Your baby’s little facial muscles are developing more all the time and at this point in your pregnancy he or she is making all kinds of faces. Over the next few weeks your baby is going to double in weight and height! Even now, at 16 weeks, you’re very aware of your baby’s size and can no longer hide your pregnancy, if you ever wanted to hide it at all! Pregnancy is a w -
baby at 20 weeks
You are 20 weeks pregnant…and are now about half way through your pregnancy! You’re no doubt feeling a lot of relief at reaching this stage, and even though you’re still experiencing some frustrating pregnancy symptoms things should be sailing along smoothly. While 20 weeks pregnant you’ll notice that your belly is growing faster than ever. However, remember that each woman’s experience is slightly different and you shouldn’t be comparing your belly size to other women who are 20 weeks pregnant -
baby at 24 weeks
Wow! You’re 24 weeks pregnant! What a wonderful time in your pregnancy. You’re still dealing with a variety of pregnancy symptoms but by now the pleasures of being pregnant and the anticipation of meeting your new baby far outweigh those annoying pregnancy symptoms. You and your partner are most likely sharing the news of your pregnancy with everyone you know. And so you should! Being 24 weeks pregnant is a joyous time and should be celebrated. By this time in your pregnancy your body is most li -
baby at 28 weeks
While 28 weeks pregnant you’ve reached the third trimester of your pregnancy. Both your mind and your body are preparing for these last few weeks and for the birth of your baby. Some women at this time are full of energy while other women are easing themselves through uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms and counting down the days to the end of their pregnancy. No matter what you’re feeling it’s perfectly normal. These final weeks of your pregnancy will come with highs and lows. Share both the h -
baby at 32 weeks
You’re now 32 weeks pregnant and probably wondering if you’re ever going to see your toes again! These days during your pregnancy all of your focus is most likely on your big belly. If you’re not thinking about your baby growing inside you, you’re thinking about what your birthing experience is going to be like. And if you’re not thinking about that you’re probably trying to find relief from some of those annoying pregnancy symptoms that are still bothering you. Being 32 weeks pregnant is a good -
baby at 36 weeks
36 weeks pregnant and your baby weighs about 6lbs. At the end of this week, at this point of your pregnancy, your baby will be full term. He or she will be in a head down position, ready for birth. If your baby isn’t lying head down your caregiver may want to encourage a shift in position by manipulating your baby from the outside. While 36 weeks pregnant you’re still working your way through a variety of pregnancy symptoms…and there are still a lot of them! Back pain, the constant urge to u -
baby at 40 weeks
Congratulations! You’ve made it to the 40 weeks pregnant mark! Most babies don’t arrive on their due date so you’ve probably been waiting for something, anything, to happen! You’re tired of waking up each day to pregnancy symptoms. You’re tired of people asking if your baby is ever going to arrive. And you’re even more tired of being so fully prepared when nothing ever seems to happen. Don’t get discouraged. Your baby has to come sooner or later! Perhaps you won’t feel so alone if you know t -
Birth Defects
Thalassemia-is where you are blood cell are low therefore you may bleed abnormally or not enought.
Down sydrom-heart defects, visual problems, hearing loss, memory loss.
Autism-where you walk on you tip toes selective hearing hate being touched picky on what you eat
Club foot where one or both of the feet are turned in and pointed up.
Marfan sydrom-is skeletan abnoribilites heart vavles eye problems lung problems