kamerons timeline

  • birthday

    I was born april 19th in cedar rapids iowa at 4:54am
  • first day of preschool

    I don't remember much but I remember me and my mom walking to preschool and I cried when I walked in because I was scared
  • we moved houses

    I moved in 2014 and it was the first house I lived in a house because I always lived in an apartment.
  • first day of elementary school

    on my first day my mom dropped me off and i actually was not scared i was happy.
  • I got my own dog

    when we got my dog I was about 7 years old and I didn't even know I was getting a dog, we drove to minnesota and my mom and dad surprised me with a dog.
  • first day of middle school

    I was first nervous but then I walked in and in bout a week I had a whole group of friends and I was doing really good in class.
  • I played football for my school

    during football all my friends where there so I was not really that nervous then we had practice ever day besides thursday because thursday is when we have games and we won are first game 21 to 12