Kamala Harris

  • birth

    Kamala harris was born on this date in Oakland, California.
  • Alfa Kappa Alpha sorority

    Alfa Kappa Alpha sorority
    She was a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, witch is the first established Black Greek Letter organization for women
  • the Albereda County District Attorney's Ofice

    the Albereda County District Attorney's Ofice
    iN 1990, she started to specialize in cases of child sexual assaultwhen she joined the Albereda County District Attorney's Office
  • San Francisco

    San Francisco
    In 2003 she was elected fiscal of the San Francisco district
  • Distric Attorney

    Distric Attorney
    She was the first woman Distric Attorney in san francisco history. She was also elected as the first African American and first woman to serve as California's Attorney General.
  • District attorney, Attorney General

    District attorney, Attorney General
    She was the first woman Distric Attorney in san francisco history. She was also the first woman and the first African American elected to serve as California's Attorney General.
  • Period: to

    District attorney, Attorney General

    this was the period were she was District attorney and Attorney General
  • Smart on crime

    Smart on crime
    She wrote many books, the first one was Smart on crime. In this book, she talks about how the approach o crime should be changed, changing tyhe prosecutors, judges,
  • wedding

    She got married in 2014 to Doug Emhoff
  • United States Senate

    United States Senate
    In this date Kamala Harris was sworn into the United States Senate by then-Vice President Biden
  • The Truths We Hold: An American Journey

    The Truths We Hold: An American Journey
    this is the second book she wrote, it includes a blend of career highlights and personal philosophy
  • Superheroes are everywhere

    Superheroes are everywhere
    This is the third, this book talks about how you can find heroes anywere and you can be one yourself if you become your best self and try your best
  • vice president

    vice president
    Kamala Harris became the first woman, and the first black person to become vice president along side Joe bident